TGIS is a Filipino youth-oriented drama series aired on GMA Network from July 8, 1995 to November, 1999. The series aired every Saturday. It was produced by GMA Network, and VIVA Television. The title is derived from the popular expression "TGIF."...
A group of unsuspecting teens are menaced by assorted creatures from Philippine mythology. The screen eventually becomes a virtual peep-through Jurassic Park of horrifying creatures from the netherworld....
Wacks plans a weekend get-away using his father's yacht without him knowing. However, the boat breaks down, forcing the group to stay on a nearby island....
A clumsy young man named Andong earns the ire of his uncle who has been the unlucky recipient of his bunglings. Left with no choice but to leave home, he sets off for manila where he meets Roberto, a rich young man suffering from amnesia. Ignorant of the ways of the city they encounter four cunning juveniles who eventually becomes their friend and in one of their mischief s, they meet the apples of their eyes....
After a killer with garden shears attacks a group of science students during a trip to the woods, the lone survivor comes under suspicion by others at their university. Panic spreads as the killings and disappearances continue on campus....
Spunky and adventurous, Raida, heads off to Manila for two reasons: to visit her godmother, and to meet with Ariel, her pen pal. But strange things happen on her way to the big city....
A pair of smart misfits hilariously navigate the highs and lows of high school, avoiding bullies, and hoping for a chance at romance with their biggest crushes....
Six unsuspecting teens are camping on the site of Mt. Lihim ng Aguila when they trip into a missile silo controlled by a demented, disgruntled, dishonorably discharged ex-general of the Army bent on creating chaos if his demand for acquittal is not granted....