Aída is a Spanish comedy sitcom set in Madrid, that spin off from another sitcom called 7 Vidas. The show first aired on January 16, 2005 and is produced by Globomedia for the Spanish network Telecinco. It currently started its ninth season. The show stars Carmen Machi as the title character, Aída García, a working, single mother with two teenage children, forced to move in with her mother and brother to make ends meet. The show has received favorable criticism from the audience and has been t...
Produced by Cuatro in collaboration with 100 Balas, the Flipy producer responsible for the season's revelation series, “Chiringuito de Pepe”, Flo and Dani will act as masters of ceremonies in “Sopa de Gansos”, an original and surprising television show with humor as the absolute protagonist directed by Eduardo Aldán (“Espinete does not exist”, “Caiga who falls”). "Sopa de Gansos" will be a great television show where you can enjoy comedy in all its forms....
Land Rober Tunai Show is two continuous hours of humor, guests, music, comedy, collaborators and has the direct participation of the audience in the studio....