Tugs is a British children's television series first broadcast in 1988. It was created by the producers of Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends, Robert D. Cardona and David Mitton. The series dealt with the adventures of two anthropomorphized tugboat fleets, the Star Fleet and the Z-Stacks, who compete against each other in the fictional Bigg City Port. The series was set in the Roaring Twenties, and was produced by Tugs Ltd., for TVS and Clearwater Features Ltd. Music was composed by Junior Campbel...
A modern-day retelling of the Arthurian legend with the Lady of the Lake as a reporter and Pendragon as an evil businessman. Merlin's immortal apprentice is trying to protect a powerful sword forged by Merin from the clutches of Pendragon....
TUGS: A Bigg Retrospective is the definitive film telling the story of how the 1989 cult classic series 'TUGS' was brought to our TV screens, and how it survived beyond its premature end....
When long-time British agent Harry Palmer loses his job because the Cold War is over, he's promptly approached by a Russian bossman, Alex. In St. Petersburg Alex tells Harry of his plan for Russia's future, which is threatened because a deadly biochemical weapon called the Red Death has been stolen from him. He'll pay Harry handsomely to retrieve it. An ex-spy friend tips Harry off that it's being sent to Beijing by train, aboard which we begin to learn whose side everyone's really on....