Fievel's American Tails is an American/Canadian animated television series, produced by Steven Spielberg's Amblimation animation studio, Nelvana, and Universal Cartoon Studios. It aired for one season in 1992, and continued Fievel's adventures from the film An American Tail: Fievel Goes West. In 1993 and 1994, MCA/Universal Home Video released twelve episodes on six VHS video-cassettes, two Laserdisc volumes. These have been the only home video releases of the cartoon, at least in the United St...
The all-powerful Lightstar Crystal, which has protected the planet Luminaire from danger for eons, has been broken into two by the treacherous Baron Dark. "Rewarded" for his evil deed with a ghastly new form - that of a living skeleton - the Baron now has the power to turn others of evil heart into Skeleton Warriors! The Legion of Light is the last line of defense in this war of good and evil. Led by young Prince Lightstar, the true heir to the throne of Luminaire, the super-powered family of he...
Judy and Peter Shepherd are two kids that found a board game called "Jumanji". With each turn, the two of them are given a "game clue" and then sucked into a dangerous jungle until they solve their clue. There they meet Alan Parrish, who was trapped in the Jumanji jungle because he had never seen his clue....
Family Dog is an American animated television series that aired in the summer of 1993 on CBS. Created by Brad Bird, the series was about an average suburban family, the Binsfords, as told through the eyes of their dog. It first appeared as an episode of the TV show Amazing Stories, then was expanded into a very short-lived series of its own....
C-Bear isn't just Jamal's best friend, he happens to be the hippest, coolest plush toy in town. He's a lovable bear with an appetite for fun and food. Join C-Bear, Jamal and all their friends as they have one wild and funny adventure after another....
An animated series for television based on the Back to the Future trilogy of feature films. Based on the highly successful Back to the Future movie trilogy, this series is set, um, "after" the events of the last film, as the adventures of Marty McFly and Doc Brown in their DeLorean time machine continue. Joining the ride is Clara, (Doc's wife from Back To The Future Part III,) Jules and Verne (their sons) Einstein the dog and Jennifer (Marty's girlfriend). And apparently there's a Tannen in eve...
Galaxy High is an American science fiction animated series that premiered on September 13, 1986 on CBS and ran for 13 episodes until December 6, 1986. The series was created by movie director Chris Columbus and featured music and a theme song composed by Eagles member Don Felder. Despite its short run, the show has since become a cult favorite....
Camp Candy is a 1989-1992 animated television series produced by DIC Entertainment, with comedian John Candy providing the voice for an animated version of himself....
The Shnookums and Meat Funny Cartoon Show is an Animated Comedy television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation and aired in 1995 as a spin-off of the show Marsupilami. The show was Disney's attempt to create a more "Edgy" cartoon in the vein of The Ren & Stimpy Show, and Rocko's Modern Life....
Land of the Lost is a half-hour Saturday-morning children's series that debuted on ABC in the fall of 1991. Re-runs were later picked up by Nickelodeon. Tiger Toys received the license to produce a toyline based on the series, which included regular and "talking" action figures, several dinosaurs and playsets, an electronic Crystal Sword, as well as an electronic LCD game and a board game. The Porter family, Tom, Kevin, and Annie get sucked into a prehistoric alternative world while taking a fa...
Five peculiar monsters from a distant galaxy crash land on Earth. Quickly, realizing that if discovered by the government they will end up as laboratory experiments, they hide in the attic of an empty house. But the house is for rent! Our alien friends have a hard and hilarious time getting rid of each new tenant, as they discover that this world of "strange earthlings" is even more bizarre than the world they left behind....
Popples was a Saturday morning cartoon, based on the Popples toys, that aired in the United States from 1986 to 1987. The pilot was a live-action Shelley Duvall special, in which they were puppets and marionettes; after this was well-received, it was decided to make a cartoon series with the same characters. The cartoon was produced by DIC Entertainment and LBS Communications in association with The Maltese Companies. Like the toys they're based on, the Popples resemble colorful teddy bears or ...
Hard Time on Planet Earth is an American science fiction series that aired on CBS as a midseason replacement in 1989. Airing for 13 episodes, the series starred Martin Kove and was created by Jim and John Thomas. Scheduled opposite NBC's Unsolved Mysteries and ABC's Growing Pains on Wednesdays, Hard Time on Planet Earth ranked 65th out of 81 programs upon its premiere. Ratings for the series never improved and the series was canceled by CBS in May 1989. The last episode aired on June 21, 1989....
Little Dracula is a British series of children's books and an American animated television series that originally aired on FOX. Little Dracula revolves around a green-skinned child vampire who aspires to be like his father, Big Dracula, yet also enjoys rock 'n roll and surfing....