Postcards from Buster is a children's television series for children aged 6–12, containing both animation and live-action that originally aired on Public Broadcasting Service. It is a spin-off of the Arthur cartoon series. The show stars Arthur's best friend, 8-year-old rabbit Buster Baxter. Inspired by a 2003 episode of Arthur entitled "Postcards from Buster", the television series was produced by Cinar and Marc Brown Studios. It first aired October 11, 2004, on PBS Kids Go!. Buster's interest...
Three incoming freshman in a big-time, Midwestern college football program have to juggle football, girls, class and nonstop hazing....
The Little Lulu Show is an animated television series, based on the Marjorie Henderson Buell comic book character Little Lulu. The show was produced by CINAR Animation after Marge's death in 1993, and aired on HBO Family and Cartoon Network in the United States and on, CTV, and the Family Channel in Canada from 1995 to 1999. In Canada, reruns are currently being shown on both the English and French versions of Teletoon Retro. The series centered on the life and adventures of Lulu Moppet and Tubb...
Night Hood was a cartoon series inspired by the Arsène Lupin novels and was produced by Cinar and France Animation S.A. for television audiences in both English and French-speaking nations. It was set in the 1930s. The series aired in Canada in 1996 under the English-language title Night Hood, and in francophone markets as Les Exploits d'Arsène Lupin....
Three paranormal roommates, a ghost, a vampire, and a werewolf, struggle to keep their dark secrets from the world, while helping each other navigate the complexities of living double lives....
The fast-paced antics of a troublesome red cat as he pulls pranks and generally enrages his family and everyone else he meets....
The show revolves around the lives of 8-year-old Arthur Read, an anthropomorphic aardvark, his friends and family, and their daily interactions with each other....
The tragic yet hopeful story of Fanny, a young teen from a good suburban home whose life spirals out of control when she falls for a manipulative and abusive man....
The Hunger is a British/Canadian television horror anthology series, co-produced by Scott Free Productions, Telescene Film Group Productions and the Canadian pay-TV channel The Movie Network. Though it shares a title with the feature film The Hunger the series has no direct plot or character connection to the film, and was created by Jeff Fazio. Originally shown on the Sci Fi Channel in the UK, The Movie Network in Canada and Showtime in the US, the series was broadcast from 1997 to 2000, and i...
The Hunger is a British/Canadian television horror anthology series, co-produced by Scott Free Productions, Telescene Film Group Productions and the Canadian pay-TV channel The Movie Network. Though it shares a title with the feature film The Hunger the series has no direct plot or character connection to the film, and was created by Jeff Fazio. Originally shown on the Sci Fi Channel in the UK, The Movie Network in Canada and Showtime in the US, the series was broadcast from 1997 to 2000, and i...
The series focuses on a rare species of little bears with wings that live in the magical forest in a utopian cooperative community. The little flying bears together with their friends, took on themselves the task to defend their forest from pollution. However, their efforts, very often, are disturbed by two weasels, Skulk and Sammy, which strive to pollute the forest. Every so often the weasels receive help from Slink the snake. The three always strive to find new ways to disturb the harmony of ...
Samantha and Jay throw caution to the wind when they convert their recently inherited country estate into a bed-and-breakfast. Call it mislaid plans. Not only is the place falling apart, but it’s also inhabited by spirits of previous residents -- whom only Samantha can see and hear....
A satirical parody of the environmentalist lifestyle epitomized by its title family, which consists of Mom, Pop, Chichi, Lola, and Buba. The show is set in the fictional town of Beauvillage, and lampoons many aspects of the environmental movement, including environmental organizations, animal rights, and pacifism....
Up until now, marriage has been smooth sailing for Jennifer Jones. But after suffering a miscarriage, she begins to question her happiness and whether the spark in her marriage has dimmed. She shrugs it off as just being the 7-year itch and gives her husband, Freddy, who is content in their relationship, the benefit of the doubt. Things take an unexpected turn when Jennifer catches Freddy in a few unassuming lies. And when a sudden accident throws Freddy into a coma, Jennifer is left to pick up ...
Baltimore. New Year's Eve. A talented but troubled police officer is recruited by the FBI's chief investigator to help profile and track down a mass murderer....
After her grandfather's death, 20-year-old Alma decides to go back to her childhood home - a little island in the heart of the majestic Canadian forest. Whilst there, she rescues two helpless cubs: a wolf and a lion. They forge an inseparable bond, but their world soon collapses as the forest ranger discovers the animals and takes them away. The two cub brothers must now embark on a treacherous journey across Canada to be reunited with one another and Alma once more....
Time to put on your party hats and dancing shoes - D.W. is turning five! When her birthday doesn't go as planned, D.W. runs away to the magical island of Ukubonga. Meanwhile, Arthur has skipped her birthday party to go on a school trip to the planetarium - but instead of transporting him into outer space, it transports him 4 years into the future! This is one party you don't want to miss....
A Romanian immigrant uses good food, good humor and good conversation to break down the walls around a reclusive woman's heart....
As a kid, Leo thought he possessed, like a magician, the secret power to make things happen. As a young man, he certainly knows how to make things happen with women. But as his best friend Krantz would say to him, "Why do you always ask questions you already know answers to?" Leo believes firmly in what he invents from one day to the next. Images, impressions, stories fill his head. That's just how he is: life, for Leo, is just a game. Behind this childlike attitude, hides the very essence of hi...
Emily Edmunds has a great job and a great guy, Mark. But when Mark is killed in a plane crash, a distraught Emily attempts suicide....
Jimmy Albright is a young athlete with a passion for boxing. His mentor, Harry Sloan, an aging trainer and former boxer, sees Jimmy's potential, not only as a boxer but as a young man. With Harry's guidance, Jimmy trains and fights his way to the top of his division. All things appear to be on track, except for one small twist: Jimmy's parents, Don and Doreen, don't know he's a boxer......
Pack your bags, buckle your seatbelts, and get ready for an ARTHUR road trip to the family farm! Arthur's Great-Grand Uncle Theo is celebrating his 85th birthday, so the Reads (and Buster) are off to Ohio to join in the festivities. While D.W. and Arthur learn that farm life is a little different than life in Elwood City, Buster worries he may be getting in the way at this family reunion. With the help of Cousin Miles, some llamas, and a little bit of music, they all discover what it truly means...
Documentary about the 1759 Battle of the Plains of Abraham in Quebec, part of the Seven Years War between Britain and France. Both leaders, Wolfe and Montcalm, died in the battle, which decided control over what would become Canada. Includes re-enactments of the battle and the personalities of the two commanders. For two months Montcalm and Quebec City endured English bombardments. However, in what the documentary describes as an exceptionally well planned operation during the night of September...
After Pal escapes from the house, Arthur enlists the aid of his friends to help find his missing dog....
Against her father's wishes, a young female cop in Chicago pursues her dream of becoming a detective when she's brought on to investigate a major murder case....
When editor Jane Grant receives a plus-one invitation to her cousin's wedding, she finds herself in a predicament. To one-up her old high school rival Natasha Nutley, Jane tells her about her perfect, charming and handsome boyfriend -- except he isn't real. Catching word of her "boyfriend," Jane's intrusive Aunt Ida demands he make an appearance at the wedding. Now, Jane must go on every date she can snag to find a man who fits the bill....
Greed, betrayal and vengeance set the stage for this Sir Arthur Conan Doyle classic. Mary Morstan, a young governess, has been receiving a rare and lustrous pearl annually from an anonymous benefactor....
Nemo Nobody leads an ordinary existence with his wife and 3 children; one day, he wakes up as a mortal centenarian in the year 2092....
When the prospect of an Elwood City concert by the Backstreet Boys drives everyone else into a frenzy, a disgusted Francine decides to counter with an "anti-cute" band of her own called U Stink. But things don't go quite the way she had planned....
Arthur, D.W., and their family and friends prepare to make the best Christmas ever in Elwood City - but obstacles get in their way....
A trio of teenagers is taken hostage by an ex-con and are forced to examine their relationships....
An insomniac who walks the streets at night witnesses a murder which triggers a strange chain of events....
When both the CIA and the underworld mistake regular guy Stuart Dempsey (Danny Nucci) for a notorious killer-for-hire named Jaguar, Dempsey doesn't know whom he can turn to or trust. Certain only of his boss, Max Kaufman (David Carradine), Dempsey is wary of everyone else -- especially his new love (Victoria Sanches). Pursued by the CIA, Dempsey sets out to prove his identity and outwit his pursuers....
While trick-or-treating, Francine meets an elderly woman with a very mysterious past; Binky finds himself at Mr. Ratburn's amazing haunted house; and Arthur, Buster and Ladonna fear the tree house may be haunted....
It's Thanksgiving, and it couldn't be busier! Mr. Read is whipping up his famous turkey dinner, the Lakewood elementary kids are preparing for the annual parade and, when things start to go off course, Arthur and his friends must find a way to save the Thanksgiving celebration....
Spookley and Mistletoe encounter three stray kittens for whom they must brave a raging winter storm to find a home....
Artisan cheese shop owner Brie finds herself competing for a $50,000 prize in her town's annual Cheese Festival. To boost her presence, she teams up with an influential cheese critic to profile her vintage smoked gouda. As their friendship develops into romance, a competitor's business proposal and unforeseen complications force Brie to put her shop - and heart - on the line....
After a corrupt legal guardian puts her in a care home in order to take her property, a mysterious older woman seeks vengeance with the help of her granddaughter, who calls her 'The G'....