Postcards from Buster is a children's television series for children aged 6–12, containing both animation and live-action that originally aired on Public Broadcasting Service. It is a spin-off of the Arthur cartoon series. The show stars Arthur's best friend, 8-year-old rabbit Buster Baxter. Inspired by a 2003 episode of Arthur entitled "Postcards from Buster", the television series was produced by Cinar and Marc Brown Studios. It first aired October 11, 2004, on PBS Kids Go!. Buster's interest...
A group of young vampires are subjected to a daring experiment by the Elders: taken in by a boarding school that also housed mortal teenagers, with the intent of civilizing the vampires....
Twelve-year-old Donovan Mackay has four teenagers living inside his head. Their mission is to help Donovan through adventurous and unpredictable days in Greenfield Park Junior High....
A diverse group of recruits has arrived at the FBI Quantico Base for training. They are the best, the brightest and the most vetted, so it seems impossible that one of them is suspected of masterminding the biggest attack on New York City since 9/11....
When Anthony Sullivan disappears on his tenth birthday, his family is devastated. However, as more and more time passes without the police being able to locate him, long-buried family secrets are dragged to the surface, turning the Sullivan family against one another....
The show revolves around the lives of 8-year-old Arthur Read, an anthropomorphic aardvark, his friends and family, and their daily interactions with each other....
This spooky anthology series for kids recounts ghost stories told by the young members of the Midnight Society as they gather around a campfire. Each episode opens with members of the Midnight Society at their secret spot in the woods, where they prepare their fire and the night's storyteller announces the title of the his or her offering. However, the cameras soon leave the storyteller and switch to the tale being told....
A psychological thriller about a senior at one of America's most prestigious universities. Under enormous pressure to complete her thesis and earn a top job at one of the world's most competitive consulting firms, Katie is still coping with the sudden unexplained disappearance of her first love two years prior. As the investigation continues, Katie is forced to choose between past passions and new possibilities, even as new facts are uncovered....
Connecticut high school students Max Doyle and Jessica Carpenter fall in love and feel making love isn't enough, so they brave everyone's objections and get married....
When the prospect of an Elwood City concert by the Backstreet Boys drives everyone else into a frenzy, a disgusted Francine decides to counter with an "anti-cute" band of her own called U Stink. But things don't go quite the way she had planned....
Arthur, D.W., and their family and friends prepare to make the best Christmas ever in Elwood City - but obstacles get in their way....
A news reporter looks into who has been anonymously leaving large cash gifts on random doorsteps in New York....
While trick-or-treating, Francine meets an elderly woman with a very mysterious past; Binky finds himself at Mr. Ratburn's amazing haunted house; and Arthur, Buster and Ladonna fear the tree house may be haunted....
When the joker Tommy Tricker plays some practical jokes on some of his friends, his best friend Ralph, a stamp collector, discovers the secret of "stamp travel" to make him travel around the world on a stamp to bring back the mysterious Charles Merriweather, who never returned on a stamp for 75 years....
Six actors portray six personas of music legend Bob Dylan in scenes depicting various stages of his life, chronicling his rise from unknown folksinger to international icon and revealing how Dylan constantly reinvented himself....