Anna Karenina is a Filipino drama series created by RJ Nuevas and produced by GMA Network. It premiered on June 3, 2013 on GMA Telebabad block, replacing Indio and June 4, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series concluded its sixteen-week run on October 25, 2013, with a total of 80 episodes, and replaced by Kahit Nasaan Ka Man on its timeslot. The series features Krystal Reyes, Barbie Forteza and Joyce Ching. It is based on the 1996 original television series of the same title under the prod...
Tasya Fantasya is an fantasy-romance Philippine drama produced by GMA Network starring Yasmien Kurdi . Yasmien reprises Kris Aquino's role in 1994 "Tasya Fantasya" film. The series began airing April 6, 2008 replacing Kapuso Sine Specials....
Ikaw na Sana was a Philippine drama series produced by Viva Television and distributed by GMA Network. This love story was later turned into a movie of the same title....
Muli or In Love Again is a Filipino-Malaysian drama television series created and developed by Don Michael Perez and produced by GMA Network and Cre-Asian Sbn Bhd. The series premiered on February 19, 2007 and concluded on April 27, 2007 and stars Alfred Vargas, Malaysian actors Carrie Lee and Tony Eusoff, and Marian Rivera. The show was executive produced by Camille Gomba-Montaño and directed by Mac Alejandre. It also shown in Malaysian at TV1 and dubbed in Bahasa....
Lagot Ka... Isusumbong Kita! was a situational comedy television show in the Philippines aired every Monday evenings by GMA Network. The show was part of the network's GMA KiliTV block....
The adventures and misadventures of a group of teenagers, chronicling their pain and the lessons learned along the way....
A story about Fredo, a naive and gawky laboratory assistant to Professor Manalo. Fredo is also the professor's regular guniea pig for his experiments which are often disastrous to any human being. Then one time a librarian, Helen who is frustrated super hero wanabe, tells both Fredo and Prof. Manalo about an article she read of an orb located in Intramuros that was said to give out powers to whoever posesses it. They all journeyed to Intramuros in search for the orb and found inside a dead alien...