The Weird Al Show is a television show hosted by "Weird Al" Yankovic. Produced in association with Dick Clark Productions, it aired Saturday mornings on the CBS TV network from September to December 1997. The show was released on DVD on August 15, 2006. The show was similar to Pee-Wee's Playhouse which also premiered on CBS. Al's television set was called "Al TV", the name of a number of Yankovic's television specials....
When Reed Richards, Sue and Johnny Storm and pilot Ben Grimm take a premature space flight on a new shuttle, they find themselves massively bombarded with cosmic radiation. Barely managing to re-enter and land safely, the quartet find themselves forever transformed with superpowers. Deciding to use these new powers to help people, they form the Fantastic Four, a superhero team dedicated to the protection of Earth from menaces like the Latverian King Dr. Doom and Galactus, the planet consumer....
Superman is a 1988 animated Saturday morning television series produced by Ruby-Spears Productions and Warner Bros. Television that aired on CBS featuring the DC Comics superhero of the same name. Veteran comic book writer Marv Wolfman was the head story editor, and noted comic book artist Gil Kane provided character designs....
The planet Prysmos suffers a collapse of its high-tech civilization due to a solar re-alignment. Two groups rise to dominance from the devastation to wage war upon each other. One is controlled by honest and law-abiding people and the other by criminals and villains. Following an open challenge thrown down by the great wizard Merklynn, fourteen surviving knights are granted powers of transformation and magical energy. The groups are now divided between the good Spectral Knights and the evil Dark...
Weird, True & Freaky Join a fast-paced rundown of the strangest, craziest real-life stories on four legs. Freakish swarms, mutant survivors, mysterious mating rituals, and totally bizarre breeds. Amazing animals caught on tape. Shocking footage that will make your jaw drop. From klepto creatures caught on tape to unbelievable pet plastic surgery, check out animal antics that became tabloid news... Only on Weird, True and Freaky....
The Transformers is the first animated television series in the Transformers franchise. The series depicts a war among giant robots that can transform into vehicles and other objects....
Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures is a 1987 revival of the classic Mighty Mouse cartoon character. Produced by Bakshi-Hyde Ventures, it aired on CBS on Saturday mornings from fall 1987 through the 1988-89 season. It was briefly rerun on Saturday mornings on Fox Kids in November 1992....
With the help of his new self help book and his dog/therapist, Ari must navigate his life, his past, and the challenges of creativity in today’s world. Told through multiple mediums, “How to Live” is an exploration of one man’s all-too-familiar artistic journey and the lessons he must learn in order to accomplish his goals....
Documentary of the making of the animated family film, The Iron Giant....
It's here - the longest running Marvel series in history arrives for the first time on DVD. Learn the origin of the Fantastic Four, and be there as Mr. Fantastic, The Invisible Woman, Human Torch and The Thing save the world from the dastardly Doctor Doom and his legion of villains. Now you can relive the action and excitement with 5 dynamic episodes from the popular 1990s animated series. It's fantastic compilation you'll want to experience over and over again....
It's June 1942 and the world's fate is about to be decided by a handful of pilots and their untested aircraft. Experience an inside look at the Battle of Midway, captured through rarely seen battle footage and firsthand accounts from its hero dive-bombing pilot, "Dusty" Kleiss. This is an hour-by-hour recount of one of the most pivotal conflicts of the 20th century. Take a closer look at how this desperately needed victory came about through the design of U.S. airplanes, the skill of the pilots,...
A little boy whose dreams transcend reality is sucked into his own fantasy, which is everything he has dreamed of, until he unleashes an old secret that may not only destroy this perfect dream world but reality itself....
America's seventh best superhero team, the Specials, are a group of geeks and oddballs. Lifelong fan Nightbird joins the group just in time for the group to get a new line of action figures. But the members' extreme personalities and personal issues threaten to rip the group apart....