Sinchronicity is a six-part drama series broadcast on BBC Three in the United Kingdom. Set in Manchester, the programme is narrated by Nathan and focuses on the love triangle of him, Fi, and Jase. The programme is executive produced by Julian Murphy, who was an executive producer on Channel 4's As If and Sugar Rush and Sky One's Hex. Stylistically similar to As If, following a non-linear narrative, it also features ex-cast members Paul Chequer, Jemima Rooper and Mark Smith and, as such, can be s...
Sofia's Diary was produced and created by Nuno Bernardo and Triona Campbell with their company beActive Sofia's Diary is a drama that is shown online through the social networking site Bebo, which is the same site that hosts KateModern. A version of Sofia's Diary originally came out in 2003 in Portugal. This means it actually predates the first video of lonelygirl15 which came out in 2006. Sofia is played by 22-year-old Rachel Hyde-Harvey. Sofia's Diary was the second internet based show to m...
Andy Millman gave up his day job five years ago in the hope of achieving the big time, but he’s yet to land a speaking part, let alone saunter down the red carpet to pick up an Oscar. He remains optimistic however, as rubbing shoulders with the A-list on-set only serves to reinforce his belief that the big time is just a job or two away....
Footballers' Wives is a British television drama surrounding the fictional Premier League Association football club Earls Park F.C., its players, and their wives. It was broadcast on the ITV network from 8 January 2002 to 14 April 2006. The show began with a multi-lateral focus on a variety of different types of relationships explored; however, from the third series onward, the primary focus was on a complex love triangle between Tanya Turner, Amber Gates and Conrad Gates....