Sightings is an American paranormal and news television series that originally aired from April 17, 1992 to August 1, 1997. The program began as a special titled The UFO Report: Sightings on October 18, 1991. The original Concept Creator and Supervising Producer of that hour special produced by Paramount for Fox TV was Linda Moulton Howe, an Emmy Award-winning TV producer and documentary filmmaker of TV specials about science and the environment. One of her Emmy award-winning broadcasts was A St...
A once-successful architect (Philip Baker Hall) has become a grumpy loner, but a young couple plead with him to come out of retirement to rebuild his crumbling old house for them....
Regina asks her friend, Zaya to look after her younger brother while she travels with her fiancée, Major Egan to Nigeria. Healing from the recent war, Zaya and the other villagers try to begin the process of healing when an American company takes them over for a new crude oil strike! In Nigeria, Regina and Major Egan escape an assassination attempt and must race back to home to rescue their friends and family before war consumes them all. The conspiracy is much deeper than they thought and they ...