Rachael Ray, also known as The Rachael Ray Show, is an American talk show starring Rachael Ray that debuted in syndication in the United States and Canada on September 18, 2006. It is filmed at Chelsea Television Studios in New York City. The show's 8th season premiered on September 9, 2013, and became the last Harpo show in syndication to switch to HD with a revamped studio. In January 2012, CBS Television Distribution announced a two-year renewal for the show, taking it through the 2013–14 sea...
omg! Insider is an American entertainment news program covering events and celebrities. It debuted on September 13, 2004 as a spinoff of Entertainment Tonight and started as a popular segment that took viewers "behind closed doors" and gave them "inside" information. Since becoming a separate program, it took a tabloid direction, and has gone through several formats since its 2004 premiere, though since the start of the 2011-12 season it has lost many of the tabloid elements and become more of a...
Families that need to clear the clutter out of their homes or downsize call on a group of appraisers to help them cash in on a hidden treasures hiding in plain sight. After searching and clearing out a home from attic to basement, the appraisers discover what has the most potential value and load it up to auction off. In the end, the family discovers just how much their surprisingly valuable belongings sold for and start a new chapter of their lives with a clean slate — and some cash....
A recently divorced couple shares custody of their two children while starting new relationships....
Based on the popular BBC series running since 1979, the PBS Antiques Roadshow combines history with discovery. Each year, the show visits a handful of cities to appraise items brought in by viewers. Are these items worth a lot of money, more than the visitors expect?...
In $100,000 Pyramid, contestants are in teams of two. The goal of the game is to help your partner guess an answer, by listing items that would be included in said answer, or synonymous. For instance, if the answer is “Things That Bounce”, clues would be “Po-Go Sticks”, “Kangaroos”, “Basketballs”, etc. To add to the challenge, the contestant who is giving the clues has their hands strapped to their chair, so they’re unable to gesture in order to help the guessing process....
Aspiring models compete for a chance to break into the business with a panel of judges critiquing their progress throughout the competition....
A little cash can go a long way with the right amount of creativity. Each week a plethora of amazing items are showcased by our teams as they creatively use their eye for style and some elbow grease to turn these leftovers into a main course by the show's conclusion. Given only $500, our Flea Market Flip contestants scour the booths and tents in search of items they can buy, fix and then flip for a higher sum....
A modern reimagination of the classic game show. In each round, a celebrity panel will be presented with three people who all claim to be the same person with the same incredible talent, job or achievement. One is sworn to tell the truth while the others are not....
Daily tabloid television news show on entertainment and celebrity news with unprecedented access to Hollywood's biggest stars, exclusive behind-the-scenes looks at upcoming film and television projects, as well as the real story behind Hollywood's latest news....
The Muppets return to primetime with a contemporary, documentary-style show. For the first time ever, a series will explore the Muppets’ personal lives and relationships, both at home and at work, as well as romances, breakups, achievements, disappointments, wants and desires. This is a more adult Muppet show, for “kids” of all ages....
Britney Spears: In the Zone is a busy batch of Britney-mania, much of it featuring Spears in crisp dance numbers supplemented by behind-the-scenes glimpses and chatter. The heart of the show is an ABC television special featuring live performances of "Toxic," "Breathe on Me," and "I'm a Slave 4 U." A fun highlight is Spears's hip-hop collaboration with the Ying Yang Twins on "(I Got That) Boom Boom," one of the few numbers in the star's stage repertoire with a little room for spontaneity. Betwee...
A bank teller discovers he is actually a background player in an open-world video game, and decides to become the hero of his own story. Now, in a world where there are no limits, he is determined to be the guy who saves his world his way before it's too late....
Martha Stewart, known for turning everyday living into an art form, is ready to part ways with pieces from her vast collection of furniture, art and housewares....
OCEAN RAMSEY attributes her unparalleled connection with sharks to over a decade of research, but many are convinced it is something more... The media has dubbed her "The Shark Whisperer". Battling a looming extinction, Ocean and her team of marine biologists will travel the globe for 12 months, conducting research and expanding their conservation efforts. From renowned scientists and PHDs, to elite athletes and celebrities, "The Shark Whisperer" will lead humans from all walks of life out of th...
‘Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade’ Celebrates 30 Years of Holiday Magic December 25 on ABC-TV....