The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers is an American animated Space Western television series created by Robert Mandell and Gaylord Entertainment Company. The series combines sci-fi stories with traditional wild west themes. It is one of the first anime-style shows produced mainly in the USA, although the actual animation was done by the Japanese animation studio Tokyo Movie Shinsha. At the time it aired, The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers was considered a revolutionary children's show....
Matlock is an American television legal drama, starring Andy Griffith in the title role of criminal defense attorney Ben Matlock. The show, produced by The Fred Silverman Company, Dean Hargrove Productions, Viacom Productions and Paramount Television originally aired from September 23, 1986 to May 8, 1992 on NBC; and from November 5, 1992 until May 7, 1995 on ABC. The show's format is similar to that of CBS's Perry Mason, with Matlock identifying the perpetrators and then confronting them in dr...
The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure is a Filmation animated series that aired on CBS from 1967 to 1968. Premiering on September 9, 1967, this 60-minute program included a series of six-minute adventures featuring various DC Comics superheroes....
The adventures of Leo, a young lion cub who becomes king of the jungle when his father, the previous king of the jungle is killed by a human hunter....
Superbook, also known as Animated Parent and Child Theatre, is an anime television series initially produced by Tatsunoko Productions in Japan in conjunction with the Christian Broadcasting Network in the United States and more recently solely produced by CBN for global distribution and broadcast. The series chronicled the events of the Bible's Old and New Testaments in its 52 episode run. The first 26 episodes aired from October 1, 1981 to March 29, 1982. The series returned as Superbook II wi...
Aaron, the drummer boy, struggles to protect a bellmaker's great silver bells from seizure by Roman soldiers...
The Irresponsible Toad is in a mess and needs help from his friends try and save Toad Hall....
Pinocchio tries to save the Earth from Astro the Space Whale...
As Geppetto prepares for Christmas, Pinocchio joins a puppet show to earn money for a present. There he meets and elopes with the beautiful girl puppet, Julietta, leaving Geppetto alone and worried....