Young best friends Stacy and Bradley have a unique ability that allows them to bring their fantasies to life. The kids are able to draw their own cartoons, bringing their imaginations to life. They often use their hand-drawn adventures to help them overcome obstacles they face, whether they involve school, bullies or even their parents. With their drawings, everyday life for Stacy and Bradley can take a turn at any time and become a wild roller-coaster ride. Stacy's overweight dog Frank and Brad...
Flying Rhino Junior High is a Canadian animated television series produced by Nelvana Limited and STV Productions. It originally aired from October 3, 1998 to January 22, 2000 on CBS Kidshow. Reruns used to be shown on Scottish Television in Scotland. Reruns returned to YTV after a four year absence in 2011. In the US, both seasons can be purchased as downloads from Amazon Instant Video, and in Scotland the first season can be watched on YouTube. The series revolved around four kids: Billy O' T...
Anything can turn spooky in this horror anthology series based on the best-selling books by master of kid horror, R.L. Stine. In every episode, see what happens when regular kids find themselves in scary situations, and how they work to confront and overcome their fears....
The lives of staff in the womens' health clinic of a fictitious hospital in Philadelphia....
After 18 years of marriage, high school sweethearts Bill and Judy Miller still make each other laugh and try to keep their marriage intact, even when their family pulls them in different directions. Since Bill has a far more immature approach to marriage and raising their three children than Judy does, they work at striking a balance and remembering why they love each other, quirks and all....
On their way home from Brooklyn, psychiatrist Vic, daughter Julie and sister Stacey run short of gas. They leave the highway to search for a petrol station - but end up erring around in South Bronx. A youth gang led by the sadistic Ice stops their car and starts terrorizing them. Without fuel, the 3 women soon have to flee by foot and defend their life with all means possible....
This is the Easter weekend. In an inner city project, three people struggle against their demons and try to find redemption. They are Maxine, a window dresser depressed since she had an abortion and lost her lover ; Jordan, a boxer who has indulged in gay-bashing ; and 'The General', a drug dealer turned artist....