Soccer AM is a British Saturday-morning football-based comedy/talk show, predominantly based around the Premier League. Originally presented by Jane Hoffen, Gary Stevens and Russ Williams, they lasted just a year before Helen Chamberlain and Tim Lovejoy replaced them, where Lovejoy served for over a decade. He has since been replaced by Andy Goldstein and, more recently, Max Rushden. The show has been aired on Sky Sports 2 each Saturday morning of the football season since 1995 from 7:00am or 9:...
Crime drama series featuring Life On Mars' DCI Gene Hunt. After being shot in 2008, DI Alex Drake lands in 1981, where she finds herself in familiar company....
A detective chief inspector from 2006 is investigating a serial killer when he is knocked over by a speeding car. Waking up, he finds himself mysteriously transported back in time to 1973. Initially struggling to come to terms with his situation, he has to come to terms with the old-fashioned technology and attitude of the day, while figuring out how he came to be trapped in the past....
Dreamer Danny Reed's life is turned upside down when he is struck by lightning and wakes to find himself trapped in a woman's body. Instead of being a scruffy DIY store worker with no prospects, he has now swapped lives with glamorous female fashion journalist Veronica Burton. Danny suddenly must learn how to walk in stilettos and put on a bra, deal with the amorous advances of Veronica's boyfriend Jay and pass himself off as a fashion expert while also finding out what has happened to his old s...
Anthology drama following the lives and passions of neighbors on a northern English street....
The Doctor is a Time Lord: a 900 year old alien with 2 hearts, part of a gifted civilization who mastered time travel. The Doctor saves planets for a living—more of a hobby actually, and the Doctor's very, very good at it....
Outlaws is a new half-hour black comedy series starring Phil Daniels set in the world of duty solicitors. But Kavanagh QC it ain't. If solicitors are in the front line of the legal service, duty briefs are the advance patrols: the poor bloody infantry foraging ahead in unfamiliar territory, gleaning intelligence, securing the beachhead and digging in until morning when the top brass arrive to take the salute. There are few victories, no medals, and like any dirty job you'd prefer someone else to...
Peak Practice is a British drama series about a GP surgery in Cardale — a small fictional town in the Derbyshire Peak District — and the doctors who worked there. It ran on ITV from 10 May 1993 to 30 January 2002 and was one of their most successful series at the time. It originally starred Kevin Whately as Dr Jack Kerruish, Amanda Burton as Dr Beth Glover and Simon Shepherd as Dr Will Preston, though the roster of doctors would change many times over the course of the series. Cardale was based...
Follows the staff and patients of a Yorkshire cottage hospital in the 60s, embroiled in tangled love lives and bitter power struggles....
Drama series about the staff and patients at Holby City Hospital's emergency department, charting the ups and downs in their personal and professional lives....
Compelling BBC1 drama series embracing sex, death and Catholic guilt, set in a small community in the Lake District. The first four-part series centred on newcomer Danny Kavanagh; the second 10-part series featured other characters in the community....
Kaisa is a Scot, a successful London lawyer, who snorts coke and has one-night stands with strangers. Her mother calls from Aberdeen with some story begging her to fly to Norway and collect her alcoholic dad whom she hasn't seen in years....
The sexual rivalries between a group of friends cause comic chaos during a stag night celebration....
The documentary about the making of the critically acclaimed British TV sequel series to the show Life on Mars, featuring behind the scenes interviews with the cast and crew, ahead of the final season....
A documentary about the conclusion of Life on Mars...