Scallywagga is a British comedy sketch show, written by Stuart Kenworthy, who has worked on Green Wing and Smack the Pony. The executive producer of series one was Kenton Allen, and the producer was Jon Montague. The pilot episode aired on 21 March 2007 when the show was known as Spacehopper. Sally Lindsey confirmed on The Paul O'Grady Show that there would be a second series which was also filmed in and around Manchester, bringing on board a new Director and new Producer and several cast change...
Sitcom about the lives and loves of five twenty-somethings in Runcorn....
Still Open All Hours is a sitcom set in a grocer's shop. It is a sequel to the series Open All Hours, written by original series writer Roy Clarke and featuring several of the permanent cast members of the original series...
Explores the world of eight-year-old Rachel as she embarks upon a series of experiments attempting to make sense of her defective eyesight...