Shooting Stars is a British television comedy panel game broadcast on BBC Two as a pilot in 1993, then as 3 full series from 1995 to 1997, then on BBC Choice from January to December 2002 with 2 series before returning to BBC Two for another 3 series from 2008 until its cancellation in 2011. Created and hosted by double-act Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer, it uses the panel show format but with the comedians' often slapstick, surreal and anarchic humour does not rely on rules in order to function, w...
Bo' Selecta! is a British sketch show written and performed by Leigh Francis, which lampoons popular culture and is known for its often surreal, abstract toilet humour....
A topical magazine-style daily television programme broadcast live on BBC One....
Goodness Gracious Me is a BBC English language sketch comedy show originally aired on BBC Radio 4 from 1996 to 1998 and later televised on BBC Two from 1998 to 2001. The ensemble cast were four British Indian actors, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Kulvinder Ghir, Meera Syal and Nina Wadia. The show explored the conflict and integration between traditional Indian culture and modern British life. Some sketches reversed the roles to view the British from an Indian perspective, and others poked fun at Indian ster...
Six friends in their thirties navigate dating, sexual adventures, and mishaps on their quest to find love....
Set in the world of fashion and PR, immature fun-loving mother Edina Monsoon and her best friend Patsy drive Eddie's sensible daughter, Saffron, up the wall with their constant drug abuse and outrageous selfishness. Numerous in-jokes and heavy doses of cruel humour have made this series a cult hit in the UK and abroad....
BAFTA presents awards for film, television and games, including children's entertainment, at a number of annual ceremonies across the UK and in Los Angeles, USA....
Six famous faces put their artistic skills to the test in a bid to be crowned champion of Celebrity Painting Challenge....
An Audience with... is a British entertainment television show produced by London Weekend Television, in which a host, usually a singer or comedian, performs for an invited audience of celebrity guests, interspersed with questions from the audience, in a light hearted revue/tribute style....
Current affairs programme, featuring interviews and investigative reports on a wide variety of subjects....
Celebrities drive on some of the most dangerous roads around the world, tackling impossible conditions to reach their goals....
Passionate amateur artists undertake an intensive, six-week, artistic boot camp in a bid to perfect their skills and be crowned the overall champion....
Antiques experts accompany celebrities on a road trip around the UK searching for treasures and competing to make the most money at auction...
A weekly BBC Two magazine programme focusing on the best of the week's arts and culture news, covering books, art, film, architecture and more....
What would happen if Keith Lemon had permission to snoop around celebrities' homes? Find out as Through The Keyhole returns, with everyone's favourite strawberry-blonde presenter at the helm!...
Documentary series which ranges widely over Britain's social and cultural history, its narrative-led storytelling offering a richly immersive and varied window onto the past....
This topical debate series based on Any Questions? typically features politicians from at least the three major political parties as well as other public figures who answer pre-selected questions put to them by a carefully selected audience....
Documentary about the rise and fall and rise again of the legendary John Otway....
In the remote and forgotten wilderness of Lake Natron, in northern Tanzania, one of nature's last great mysteries unfolds: the birth, life and death of a million crimson-winged flamingos....
A remarkable event at London’s National Gallery assembled the largest ever collection of Leonardo’s surviving paintings for a unique exhibition "Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan." Given exclusive access to the opening night of the exhibition the film captures the excitement of the occasion and provides a fascinating exploration of Leonardo’s great works. Art historian and broadcaster Tim Marlow offers his insight into the great masterpieces and invites the opinions of the curator...
Celebrating 50 years since ABBA won Eurovision in 1974 with Waterloo, through the extraordinary and entertaining story of how international stardom almost didn't happen for the group....
The most prominent heads of state in the world begin gathering for a conference that could have a major impact on global politics. When MI-7 receives word that the Chinese premier has become the target of some high-powered killers, it falls on Johnny English to save the day. Armed with the latest high-tech weaponry and gadgets that would make even James Bond jealous, the once-disgraced agent uncovers evidence of a massive conspiracy involving some of the world's most powerful organisations, and ...
Documentary showcasing some of the sexiest TV adverts....
Set in the Winter of 2002, at the height of British media hysteria over the massive influx of asylum seekers into the country. Sitting Ducks is a comedy about a slightly naïve group of Romany Gypsies who come to London to escape the discrimination they suffered in former Yugoslavia. Through a twist of fate they find themselves in the smart house of a television executive and his ambitious wife. Events spiral out of control when an ambitious Tory politician gets involved....