Like his legendary namesake, Kwai Chang Caine is a warrior monk, operating a Shaolin temple in Northern California. After an evil priest, Tan, destroys the temple, Caine and his young son, Peter each believe the other has perished. The two embark on very different paths -- Caine wanders the Earth, while Peter is a cop. When fate brings the two together, they work to overcome their differing philosophies to battle Tan, and then to help the innocent and bring justice to the new Wild West -- 90s ur...
Almost Grown is an American television drama series about a couple, whose lives are explored during three time periods of their lives. The series was well received by critics, but aired for only 10 episodes between 27 November 1988 and 20 February 1989 due to low ratings. The series is notable for being co-created by David Chase, who would later go on to create the critically and commercially successful HBO original series The Sopranos. Many themes appearing in Almost Grown were later explored i...
This spooky anthology series for kids recounts ghost stories told by the young members of the Midnight Society as they gather around a campfire. Each episode opens with members of the Midnight Society at their secret spot in the woods, where they prepare their fire and the night's storyteller announces the title of the his or her offering. However, the cameras soon leave the storyteller and switch to the tale being told....
Humanity must resume its war against the Martians when they revive after decades of hibernation following their defeat in the 1950s. The fate of Earth may very well rest in the hands of a small yet courageous band: astrophysicist Harrison Blackwood, paraplegic computer wizard Norton Drake, microbiologist Suzanne McCullough and military man Paul Ironhorse....
While setting up a school pageant, the parents at an elite private academy in New York City with contrastive lifestyles and professional paths reflect on their lives and marriages....
Every night the boy dreams he is someone else. Someone in danger. A crazy woman is after him. A woman who cannot have a son of her own. A story about a kidnapped boy, who finds out that the people he thought were his parents are his kidnappers. The film is about his escape and search for his home....
After telling his class about the ghost of Captain Kidd and his buried treasure on George’s Island, George is placed in a foster home. George and another foster child, Bonnie, flee to the island on Halloween but when they’re followed by adults Captain Kidd’s ghost is awakened....
A criminal psychologist loses his arm in a car crash, and becomes one of three patients to have their missing limbs replaced by those belonging to an executed serial killer. One of them dies violently, and disturbing occurrences start happening to the surviving two....
The true story of a judge who lives a double life, and stays married to two women for more than 15 years....
A man, whose companion dies of AIDS, confronts his lover's ex-wife and the two end up building a friendship while coping with the emotional aftermath of the death....
A young member of a choir becomes friends with a ghost in a school of English cathedral....