Hillside (known as Fifteen in the United States) is a Canadian-American teen drama that aired on YTV in Canada from 1991 to 1993. Created and produced by John T. Binkley, the series was Nickelodeon's only teenage soap opera. The show was shot on videotape, similar to most daytime dramas. The series was first conceived as Fifteen in an improvised form for The Disney Channel, where a 13-episode pilot series was produced and tested in the U.S. After Disney decided not to proceed with the project...
Notorious serial killer Joe Carroll, after being found guilty of murdering 14 female students on the Virginia college campus where he taught literature, escapes from death row. The FBI calls former agent Ryan Hardy to consult on the case, as he was the one responsible for Carroll’s capture in 2003. Ryan, working closely with an FBI team, including Mike Weston and FBI Specialist Debra Parker, piece together the ever-growing web of murders orchestrated by the devious Carroll....
When Buy More computer geek Chuck Bartowski unwittingly downloads a database of government information and deadly fighting skills into his head, he becomes the CIA's most vital secret. This sets Chuck on a path to become a full-fledged spy....
William Masters and Virginia Johnson are real-life pioneers of the science of human sexuality. Their research touched off the sexual revolution and took them from a midwestern teaching hospital to the cover of Time magazine and multiple appearances on Johnny Carson's couch. He is a brilliant scientist out of touch with his own feelings, and she is a single working mother ahead of her time. The series chronicles their unusual lives, romance, and unlikely pop culture trajectory....
An anthology series featuring updated tales of horror and haunting for the digital age, inspired by the viral fan fiction of two sentence horror stories....
The third installment of the “Law & Order” franchise takes viewers deep into the minds of its criminals while following the intense psychological approaches the Major Case Squad uses to solve its crimes....
Lipstick Jungle is an American comedy-drama television series created by DeAnn Heline and Eileen Heisler for NBC Universal Television Studio. The hour-long series was based on the best-selling novel of the same name by Candace Bushnell, who also served as executive producer alongside showrunner/head writer Oliver Goldstick. The pilot was directed by Gary Winick....
Alicia Florrick boldly assumes full responsibility for her family and re-enters the workforce after her husband's very public sex and political corruption scandal lands him in jail....
Two chess players face off at a busy café, studying both the pieces on the board and the unfolding dramas at the neighboring tables. While a young couple fumbles through an uncomfortable blind date, a longtime marriage begins to crumble. Meanwhile, a pair of film noir fans suspect they're witnessing a real-life murder. This is an ensemble drama about conversations overheard in a bustling New York City bistro. With every whispered word, we gain a greater understanding of the big picture being for...
The basic storyline of the film follows Bobby and Scott, two young men in their late twenties who are struggling to make careers out of their artistic dreams but their competitiveness with each other gets in the way....
Jennifer's thirtieth birthday party is supposed to be a special day. But what starts out as a day of celebration quickly spirals into a most ill-fated day Jennifer wishes she could forget, in this ensemble comedy set entirely in a kitchen....
Follow filmmaker Walter Todd over 36 deadly hours as he exploits his closest friends and family during a New Year's Eve party, exposing their darkest secrets and sexual perversions. The Exhibitionists is a pulpy exploration of the tipping point between documentary and pornography....
Six people on the verge of a breakdown decide to check themselves into an insane asylum, only to discover there is just room for one....
A soldier returns home to New York to solve the mystery behind his younger brother's sudden violent death....
A man who gave up on love. A woman trying to find love. Two strangers, one night....
Parole officer Jack Mabry has only a few weeks left before retirement and wishes to finish out the cases he's been assigned. One such case is that of Gerald 'Stone' Creeson, a convicted arsonist who is up for parole. Jack is initially reluctant to indulge Stone in the coarse banter he wishes to pursue and feels little sympathy for the prisoner's pleads for an early release. Seeing little hope in convincing Jack himself, Stone arranges for his wife to seduce the officer, but motives and intention...
Two men assigned aboard a deep sea research station become trapped inside and isolated from the outside world after a seismic event cripples the station. The event leaves one of the men mortally wounded, while the other struggles to cope with the reality....
A young and devoted morning television producer is hired as an executive producer on a long-running morning show at a once-prominent but currently failing station in New York City. Eager to keep the show on air, she recruits a former news journalist and anchor who disapproves of co-hosting a show that does not deal with real news stories....