Greg the Bunny is an American television sitcom that originally aired on Fox TV in 2002. It starred Seth Green and a hand puppet named Greg the Bunny, originally invented by the team of Sean S. Baker, Spencer Chinoy and Dan Milano. Milano and Chinoy wrote and co-produced the Fox show. The show was spun off from The Greg the Bunny Show, a series of short segments that aired on the Independent Film Channel, which were based on the Public-access television cable TV show Junktape. A show spin-off,...
A series of pop-culture parodies using stop-motion animation of toys, action figures and dolls. The title character was an ordinary chicken until he was run down by a car and subsequently brought back to life in cyborg form by mad scientist Fritz Huhnmorder, who tortures Robot Chicken by forcing him to watch a random selection of TV shows, the sketches that make up the body of each episode....
MADtv is an American sketch comedy television series originally inspired by Mad magazine. The one-hour show aired Saturday nights on Fox....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
Titan Maximum is an American stop motion animated television series created by Tom Root and Matthew Senreich. The series premiered on Cartoon Network's late night programing block, Adult Swim, on September 27, 2009, and was canceled after only one season. A teaser premiered during the "Robot Chicken on Wheels" tour and at the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con International. It is a parody of the "Super Robot" anime style produced using stop motion animation....
Warren the Ape is an MTV reality show parody which ran from June 14 to August 30, 2010 and aired at 10:30 p.m. The series is a spin-off of the IFC and Fox TV show Greg the Bunny, and follows the titular character's life as he tries to get his life back together following the cancellation of Greg the Bunny. Warren has paid more attention to drugs, booze, and women than his career, which has degenerated into a series of seedy exploitation films, obscure industrials, low-rent theater productions, ...
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
A series of pop-culture parodies using stop-motion animation of toys, action figures and dolls. The title character was an ordinary chicken until he was run down by a car and subsequently brought back to life in cyborg form by mad scientist Fritz Huhnmorder, who tortures Robot Chicken by forcing him to watch a random selection of TV shows, the sketches that make up the body of each episode....
Game-world monsters are wreaking real-world havoc. Here comes tech support!...
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods"....
Robot Chicken takes down Christmas once again! Our writers reveal the origins of the Heat Miser and Cold Miser. Witness Ebenezer Scrooge learn the true TRUE meaning of Christmas. Learn the perils of getting a job at the North Pole. Discover how Santa Claus ruined World War One's greatest day!...
The special Christmas episode featured the second season short "A Very Dragon Ball Z Christmas", along with the first season shorts "Unsolved Case Files: Claus & Effect" and "Kill Bunny"....
A series of 30 sketches, following the hilarious antics of various characters from a galaxy, far, far away....
Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode III, directed by Chris McKay, combines the satirical sensibilities of Green and Matthew Senreich's Robot Chicken with characters of the Star Wars universe....
This DVD release features six Christmas special episodes from Robot Chicken's hilariously outrageous 6 seasons, plus comes loaded with holiday-themed bonus content like deleted scenes, deleted animatics, commentary, and more! This [adult swim] holiday release is available at a great value, and will be an instant holiday classic for fans and collectors....
Seth Green and Matthew Senreich serve up more hilarious Star Wars-inspired satire in this second compilation of sketches featuring the zany stop-motion animation of Adult Swim's "Robot Chicken." Gary the stormtrooper deals with irascible boss Darth Vader on Take Your Daughter to Work Day, while Anakin babysits a certain up-and-coming Jedi....