Hell's Kitchen was a British cookery reality show aired on ITV which featured prospective chefs competing with each other for a final prize. Four series were aired from 2004 to 2009, three presented by Angus Deayton and the latest by Claudia Winkleman....
Brainiac is The Alternative science series that shows you the experiments you were never allowed to do in school. Richard Hammond aims to answer the scientific questions that have been bothering us all such as what you shouldn't put in a microwave and Do mobile phones really cause explosions in petrol stations....
An entertainment television show presented by Welsh singer Charlotte Church. Each episode begins with a "theme tune" which always has the same melody and harmony, but is always in a unique style. In the verse, Church sings about current events and gossip, and the chorus is simply "This is my lovely theme tune, it goes on and on."...
Each week, the housemate evicted from the Big Brother house the previous week traditionally spends another week on Big Brother's Little Brother, answering questions and taking part in Call BBLB along with other features. The show also boasts celebrity guests and experts who come in to discuss and analyse the remaining Big Brother housemates....
Talented chefs battle it out against the clock, creating delicious dishes in 20 minutes...
A British reality television game show in which a number of contestants live in an isolated house for several weeks, trying to avoid being evicted by the public with the aim of winning a large cash prize at the end of the run....