Shooting Stars is a British television comedy panel game broadcast on BBC Two as a pilot in 1993, then as 3 full series from 1995 to 1997, then on BBC Choice from January to December 2002 with 2 series before returning to BBC Two for another 3 series from 2008 until its cancellation in 2011. Created and hosted by double-act Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer, it uses the panel show format but with the comedians' often slapstick, surreal and anarchic humour does not rely on rules in order to function, w...
A topical magazine-style daily television programme broadcast live on BBC One....
The Paul O'Grady Show is a British comedy chat show hosted by Birkenhead-born comedian Paul O'Grady. The format was originally devised by Granada Television and was broadcast on ITV before moving to Channel 4, where the show was produced by Olga TV. The programme is a teatime chat show consisting of a mixture of celebrity guests, comic stunts, musical performances, and occasionally viewer competitions....
Four different celebrities all aim to impress judges Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith with their baking skills....
The Big Breakfast was a British light entertainment television show shown on Channel 4 and S4C each weekday morning from 28 September 1992 until 29 March 2002 during which period 2,482 shows were produced. The Big Breakfast was produced by Planet 24, the production company co-owned by former Boomtown Rats singer and Live Aid organiser Bob Geldof. The programme was distinctive for broadcasting live from former lockkeepers' cottages commonly referred to as "The Big Breakfast House", or more simpl...
The British Soap Awards are an annual awards ceremony in the United Kingdom which honours the best moments in British soap operas. The ceremony is televised on ITV....
What would happen if Keith Lemon had permission to snoop around celebrities' homes? Find out as Through The Keyhole returns, with everyone's favourite strawberry-blonde presenter at the helm!...
A mission to help families change the way they shop - without changing their lifestyle. A host of money-saving tips and tricks to put hard-earned cash back in people's pockets....
Tips on how to live a greener lifestyle and save money from the Shop Well for Less and Eat Well for Less teams....
An Audience with... is a British entertainment television show produced by London Weekend Television, in which a host, usually a singer or comedian, performs for an invited audience of celebrity guests, interspersed with questions from the audience, in a light hearted revue/tribute style....
The outrageous comedy panel show hosted by the irrepressible Keith Lemon. Each episode sees top celebrities going head to head in a series of hilarious rounds unlike any other panel show....
Ten home potters from around the country head to Stoke-on-Trent, the home of pottery, in their quest to become Top Potter....
Twelve celebrities are abandoned in the Australian jungle. In order to earn food, they must perform Bushtucker Trials which challenge them physically and mentally....
The British Soap Awards are an annual awards ceremony in the United Kingdom which honours the best moments in British soap operas. The ceremony is televised on ITV....
For Him Magazine hit the shelves in 1985 and soon grew to become the biggest selling magazine in Britain. Written by some of the funniest contributors in the world, FHM spoke to the man on the street and embraced the 'girl next door' image of its cover stars. This documentary follows FHM's UK staff as they produce the final issue of the magazine in late 2015, and celebrates its heyday while hearing from the stars whose careers were changed by it....
ITV pay tribute to Des O'Connor in this special celebrating his life and work, telling how Des went from Butlins Redcoat to become the ultimate entertainer....