The Archie Show is a Saturday morning cartoon animated series produced by Filmation. Based on the Archie comic books, created by Bob Montana in 1941, The Archie Show debuted on CBS in September 1968 and lasted for one season. A total of 17 half-hour shows, each containing two 11 minute segments, were aired. Archie cartoons continued to be aired in various forms until 1978....
Surf music came out of Orange County California in the late fifties and early sixties. It exploded the radio waves along the coast line to become one of the most iconic genres of musical history. From the West to the East, Surf Bands were popping up everywhere. One such band to emerge was a group of 12 to 14 year olds out of LA. These kids loved surfing, the beach, girls and most importantly... Surf Music. They were The New Dimensions and this is their story!...