Ojamajo Doremi, known as Magical DoReMi internationally, is a magical girl anime television series created by Toei Animation in 1999. It focuses on elementary school students who become witch apprentices. Led by Doremi Harukaze, the girls must maintain their double lives in secret. Ojamajo Doremi has been followed up by three direct sequels, lasting until its end in 2003. During the television series' runtime, two companion films were released in theaters. The English dub, produced by 4Kids Ent...
Yume no Crayon Oukoku is a Japanese children's literature by Reizo Fukunaga and serialized in Nakayoshi from January 1998 to December 1998. It was adapted into a seventy-episode anime television series by Toei Animation in 1997. It has been dubbed into French, Italian, Korean and Chinese. The original features the voice talents of Yuka Tokumitsu as Princess Silver....
Tokyo is abuzz with persocoms – humanoid computers that are virtually perfect. The socially and technologically inept Hideki is dying to get his hands on one. When he finds Chii abandoned in the trash, she’s cuter than any current model he’s ever seen before. But when he gets her home and turns her on, she has no data and only a single learning program installed. While Hideki puts his whole heart into teaching Chii the ins and outs of humanity, a mystery unfolds as a dark secret within her awake...
Tokyo is abuzz with persocoms – humanoid computers that are virtually perfect. The socially and technologically inept Hideki is dying to get his hands on one. When he finds Chii abandoned in the trash, she’s cuter than any current model he’s ever seen before. But when he gets her home and turns her on, she has no data and only a single learning program installed. While Hideki puts his whole heart into teaching Chii the ins and outs of humanity, a mystery unfolds as a dark secret within her awake...
While at summer camp, seven kids are transported to a strange digital world. In this new world they make friends with creatures that call themselves Digimon who were born to defend their world from various evil forces....
The DigiDestined kids discover another one of their kind living in the United States, who's own Digimon falls victim to a powerful computer virus. In Japan this film was actually split into two parts. Digimon Hurricane Landing!! refers to the first part, and Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals refers to the second part....
Months after the events of the first season, a Digimon called Diaboromon appears and starts attacking the Internet. The children and their Digimon unite once more in order to prevent him from destroying every communications network on the planet....
In this movie, that takes place three months after MaloMyotismon's defeat, the DigiDestined go up against Diaboromon again. Tai and Matt head back to the Internet to deal with him with Omnimon, while the younger Chosen Children go to deal with the rampage of a swarm of Kuramon (Diaboromon's Fresh form). With the help of Angemon and Angewomon (with T.K. and Kari), Omnimon was able to destroy Diaboromon again, but it turned out to be a trap, as his destruction allowed many more Kuramon to go to th...
In 2012, after the events of Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, the early adulthood DigiDestined—Daisuke, Miyako, Iori, Takeru Takashi, Hikari, and Ken—must reconcile their new responsibilities with their Digimon partners. But Rui Owada, a mysterious young man, appears, claiming to be the first human to partner with a Digimon–Ukkomon. Could Rui really have been the first-ever DigiDestined?...
After years of inactivity, the DigiDestined regroup with their Digimon to save their world, but have the years changed their characters too much?...
After seeing Meicoomon's abrupt transformation and killing of Leomon, Agumon and the other Digimon are kept isolated in Koushiro's office in order to prevent them from infection, but signs of infection begin to appear in Patamon....
The DigiDestined go to a nearby hot springs theme park and everyone has a good time, but Joe doesn't show up because he wants to study for his exams. Another infected Digimon, Ogremon, attacks Odaiba. Gomamon runs away from home while Mimi faces problems with the other DigiDestined and her classmates because of her selfish ideas....
Upon arriving at the Digital World after the "reboot", the Digidestined are hunted by a new villain. Meanwhile, Sora is troubled by her partner Digimon's indifference towards her....
Digimon Adventure 3D: Digimon Grand Prix! was first shown in July 2000 in Sanrio Puroland and in Sanrio's character theme park Haromy Land. The movie was later rerun at Toei's anime festival "Tobidasu! 3D Toei Anime Matsuri" on 03.10.2009. Together with Digimon Savers 3D: Digital World Kiki Ippatsu!, and 2 other CG anime works by Toei, it was released on DVD on 21.02.2010....
One year has passed since Nao and Uehara accidentally moved into the same apartment. Since then, they have become an official couple. With Uehara's 16th birthday coming up, Nao's biggest worry is what to buy him. Everything is going smoothly- that is, until Nao realizes Uehara's birthday has already passed and she spent it acting as a cut model for the handsome hair stylist, Asai....
Meicoomon rampages after witnessing Meiko Mochizuki being injured by the man bearing Gennai's likeness. "It would have been better if you hadn't been born..." Meicoomon disappears into the Real World, which has since become distorted. Possessing overwhelming power, she's the key to the world's destruction....
On his way to visit the Queen of the Garden of Light, the Sage of the Garden of Clouds accidentally drops the egg of the Houhou. The egg lands in the Garden of Rainbows, where it is found by Hikari, attracting the attention of a powerful pair of servants of the Dark Lord....
One day Pop was out scavenging with Hana, and found a beautiful rose inside the Queen's garden. Curious, she picked the rose and brought it home. Unwittingly, that rose can cause all wishes to become true, whether good or bad. Good wishes will turn the rose white and bloom, while bad wishes will turn the rose black and wither. After a heated argument with her sister Doremi, Pop wishes that Doremi loses all her magic and be turned into a mouse. Hilarity ensues, as Doremi and the others try to put...
Tai is now a university student, living alone, working hard at school, and working every day, but with his future still undecided. Meanwhile, Matt and others continue to work on Digimon incidents and activities that help people with their partner Digimon. When an unprecedented phenomenon occurs, the DigiDestined discover that when they grow up, their relationship with their partner Digimon will come closer to an end....
Love, Miki and Inori are on their way to a dance contest, but get lost on their way to Minato Mirai. Still looking for their way, they are attacked by a monster. When the three Fresh Precure girls start to fight it, other Precures show up to support them. They all have to combine their powers to win against this mighty enemy....