Hollyoaks Later is a spin-off from the Channel 4 soap Hollyoaks. Broadcast on E4 with a late night slot, the series began in 2008, and was an annual event for the soap until 2013, when there was a break, until it returned with a special episode in 2020. Each of the original series was shown over five consecutive nights. The late night airing allowed for more sexual content, "edgier" storylines, and stronger language. Each series is a stand-alone story, although each ties in with events on th...
The Kevin Bishop Show was a sketch comedy written by and starring English comedian Kevin Bishop, part of the Star Stories team. The show was commissioned by Channel 4 for a six-part series starting on the 25th of July 2008 at 10pm. A pilot was broadcast on the 23rd of November 2007 as part of Channel 4's Comedy Showcase and the programme soon earned interest for its incredibly fast pace; 42 sketches were shown in 23 minutes. The show was nominated for Best New Comedy at the 2008 British Comedy A...
Children's drama series following the lives of students and teachers at Grange Hill comprehensive school....
Neve Kelly is dead. She is stuck in limbo and must find out who killed her. This adaptation of the mystery series Beau Séjour impresses on account of its young cast and the breath-taking landscapes of England’s Lake District....
Waterloo Road is a UK television drama series the first broadcast was in the United Kingdom on BBC One on 9 March 2006. Originally set in a troubled comprehensive school in Rochdale, England, the location of the show was moved to the former Greenock Academy in Greenock, Scotland in 2012. The series focuses on the lives of the school's teachers and students, and confronts social issues such as extramarital affairs, abortion, divorce, child abuse, and suicide. Waterloo Road is produced by Shed Pr...
The morning after a disastrous one night stand, Amelia and Leo(n) reluctantly agree to sleep together again to protect Amelia's self-worth....