That Peter Kay Thing is a series of six spoof documentaries shown on Channel 4 in January 1999. Set in and around Bolton, these follows the lives of different characters and stars Peter Kay as the subject of each documentary. All of the episodes display Kay's penchant for nostalgic humour and unsympathetic lead characters. The series was narrated by Andrew Sachs. Many of the plot lines were based around actual events from Kay's life. At least six of the characters appear in the spin-off series P...
The owner of The Phoenix Club is the wheelchair-bound Brian Potter, who has presided over two clubs in the past: the first (The Aquarius) flooded, the second (The Neptune) burned down. His ambition (with the help of Jerry St Clair) is to see The Phoenix Club become the most popular in Bolton and thus outdo his arch-nemesis, Den Perry, owner of rival club The Banana Grove....
The owner of The Phoenix Club is the wheelchair-bound Brian Potter, who has presided over two clubs in the past: the first (The Aquarius) flooded, the second (The Neptune) burned down. His ambition (with the help of Jerry St Clair) is to see The Phoenix Club become the most popular in Bolton and thus outdo his arch-nemesis, Den Perry, owner of rival club The Banana Grove....
Bangers & Cash follows the Mathewsons - a dynasty of classic car auctioneers from picturesque North Yorkshire. The charismatic and friendly family hunt for rare vehicles to sell and they uncover some remarkable and heartwarming stories behind the cars as they do....
The new series, Bangers & Cash: Restoring Classics, will follow the journey of a vehicle purchased at a Mathewsons classic car auction, before being repaired, restored and then re-auctioned in order to try and find the vehicle a new home and loving owner. The first series started on Thursday 21 July 2022 and will see vehicles such as a 1980s Vauxhall Astra GTE whose hot hatch days look long behind it, a MG Montego Turbo with its engine in the boot, and a rare Lotus Elan S1 that hasn't seen a ro...
Andy Millman gave up his day job five years ago in the hope of achieving the big time, but he’s yet to land a speaking part, let alone saunter down the red carpet to pick up an Oscar. He remains optimistic however, as rubbing shoulders with the A-list on-set only serves to reinforce his belief that the big time is just a job or two away....
Pregnant again, Hannah is back with Tom, now working on the bins, and they are shortly to marry, with Derek giving the bride away. Derek himself spends the night in the home's caravan with girlfriend Tracey though it is unclear whether they did anything except sleep. Days before the wedding Hannah gets so annoyed with Kev that she throws him out and he is next discovered in hospital, suffering from alcohol poisoning. However, at Derek's request, she lets him back in on condition he gives up the ...