Hotel Babylon is a British television drama series based on the book of the same name by Imogen Edwards-Jones. The show followed the lives of workers at a glamorous five-star hotel....
The wrenching plight of two Bosnian sisters and their descent into the dark world of enforced prostitution. Their journey is intersected by a British journalist struggling to uncover a conspiracy by American peacekeepers and the machinations of an international charity organization....
A grandmother has a passionate affair with a man half her age, who is also sleeping with her daughter....
The first part, "A New World", tells how the young German engineer Karl May comes to America and starts to work for a railway company in the Wild West. Under dramatic circumstances, he meets Apache chief Winnetou and becomes friends with him and his tribe. The Apaches give it the name Old Shatterhand. Together they fight now against the unscrupulous henchmen of the railway company, who wants to lay a route through the Indian area....
In Part Three, entitled "The Last Fight," gangster Santer Jr. attempts to seize an oil well on Indian territory. To prevent this, Winnetou and Old Shatterhand must reconcile the warring Indian tribes so that they can take up the fight against the henchmen of the criminal....