Bukod Kang Pinagpala or Mother's Love is a Filipino drama series created by RJ Nuevas and produced by GMA Network. It premiered February 11, 2013 on GMA Afternoon Prime block, replacing Sana Ay Ikaw Na Nga and February 14, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. It concluded its seventeen weeks run on June 7, 2013 with the total of eighty-two episodes, and replaced by Maghihintay Pa Rin on its timeslot. The series headlines Camille Prats, Jennica Garcia, Jackie Rice, Mark Anthony Fernandez and Mona Lou...
Bantatay or The Guardian is a drama-comedy-fantasy series from GMA Network featuring Raymart Santiago, Gelli de Belen, Jennica Garcia and Carl Guevarra. The show premiered on September 20, 2010 replacing Langit Sa Piling Mo. The show also airs on GMA Pinoy TV worldwide which premiered two days later, September 22, 2010, from the original airdate. Due to high ratings, Bantatay initially extended its 10-week run by 3 weeks before finally being extended until February 25, 2011. The show was origina...
"Gaano Kadalas Ang Minsan?" or Love Me Again is a Philippine drama on GMA Network, and the ninth installment of Sine Novela. The original movie was released back in 1982. From June 30, 2008 until November 14, 2008, the series was aired with a one-week delay on GMA Pinoy TV worldwide....
Munting Heredera or Little Heiress is a Filipino family-oriented drama series created and developed by Maryo J. de los Reyes for GMA Network. Playing the lead role of Doña Anastacia, a rich widow in search of her "munting heredera", is the multi-award winning actress and one of the original Queens of Philippine cinema, Gloria Romero, making her television debut. The show was first shown on May 9, 2011, replacing Dwarfina on GMA Network and on May 11, 2011, on GMA Pinoy TV. Worldwide, via GMA Pi...
Super Twins is a Filipino telefantasya. The series, which used to be a part of GMA Network's First Quarter Explosion and aired on the primetime block, debuted on February 12, 2007. It ended on a cliffhanger on June 1, 2007, which suggests a likely sequel to the series in the near future....
AraBella is the story of Roselle, the owner of a known chocolate confectionery business, and her search for her long-lost daughter....
A young woman's supernatural ability to see ghosts is reawakened following the death of her mother. As she adjusts to her new, deathly surroundings, she and her loved ones become the target of some ill-meaning individuals....
Jologs portrays the intersecting stories of various working-class people who are all tied to one coffee shop and are struggling to make ends meet in the Philippines....
A TV screen-dwelling clown kidnaps a neglected young girl....
Domeng and Mokong, two unemployed men, take up jobs as nannies for 7 children....
Jake joins forces with a man named Elvis and set out to clear his name for a crime that he was falsely accused of. In return, Jake will help Elvis get rid of his bad luck....
The loving and nurturing Mariel marries Edward after his first wife abandons him and their three children. Mariel strives to win the acceptance and affection of her new stepchildren, even as she tries to define her role in the family....
Hopeless romatic Cyd met three versions of the same man, until she was in for a rude awakening....
Shake, Rattle & Roll VI is the sixth installment of the Shake Rattle & Roll franchise. With three segments "Ang Telebisyon" directed by Maurice Carvajal, "Ang Buwan" directed by Anton Juan and "Ang Tulay" directed by Frank Rivera....
A Save an Orphan Volunteer is taking care of a young girl, who is being stalked by Engkantos, as the chase begins, the lives that surrounding them maybe at risk....
Set during the terrifying reign of Filipino despot, Marcos, two upper caste but very different strangers team up to try and survive the physical and mental torture they undergo after they are suddenly jailed. Geny is the conservative businessman while Serge is more sensitive and outgoing. Both of the young men's parents give all of their money, but the government refuses to free them. Even a mutual hunger strike fails to move their jailers. In desperation, Geny and Serge begin plotting their esc...
A 1994 Filipino romantic drama starring Claudine Barretto and Isko Moreno....
A rich woman and a middle-class man have a happy marriage and five children, but petty jealousies begin to creep in, prompting the wife to flee....
A homeless little girl named Rosalie saves an abducted rich selfish brat Nikka. Rosalie gets shot when one of the goons opens a fire. To extend their gratitude for Rosalie’s bravery, Nikka’s mother adopts the lesser fortunate child. However, instead of being thankful Nikka treats Rosalie harshly which pushes the latter to go back and join her fellow street children....
Sarah Crewe is the only daughter of the wealthy Capt. Crewe. They are based in India. However, Sarah is sent by her father to a boarding school in England. He gives her a doll named Emily and a young horse. Because of Sarah’s charm and innate kindness, she instantly earns popularity in school. She is also an excellent student and a good friend to everyone, including Becky, a maid. However on Sarah's birthday, she learns that her father gets killed in the war. Suddenly, Miss Minchin’s fondness to...
Veterinarian Doc Aga rents a detached house in the compound of Babsy. Living with him are his bumbling assistant Godo and his niece, Camille. Babsy is very much against the relationship of Doc Aga with his daughter Alex. In this movie spin-off of the popular 90s sitcom of the same name, Doc Aga finds himself caught in the middle of a diamond smuggling scheme and tries to help his undercover agent friend capture the culprit....
A fantasy story about a group of kids who are fond of listening to fairy tales, their favorite being "Ang Ibong Adarna", which they are able to live when they are mysteriously transported to the magic bird's home, the enchanting world of Berbanya. There they meet Prinsipe Juan and help him with his mission to save the land and cure his father, the King. This can only be accomplished if they can get hold of the magical and elusive bird, the Ibong Adarna, who is actually a princess under a curse....
Anna is an ordinary girl who receives an extraordinary birthday gift from a mysterious old woman. Anna discovered that she has given the power to grant any kind of wishes through touching. However, Anna could not do anything to grant her own wishes. She made Trinket’s family rich, who used to get ridiculed by the neighbourhood because of their debts. She also touches a gay who desires to become a real woman. She also touched her hopeless romantic friend Elwood who eventually became the chick mag...
In World War II veteran Lolo Melo enjoys regaling his grandson Jobert with war stories, one of which includes Lolo's participation in burying the famed Yamashita treasure. When Jobert heads to Manila to unearth the cache, little does he know that he has competition: A shadowy G-man and a soldier of fortune are also in pursuit of the loot....
No description yet....
A professional horror movie extra prepares for her first ever acting award nomination....