My Dad the Rock Star is a Canadian animated television series created by KISS bassist Gene Simmons, and produced by Canadian company Nelvana for the Canadian based channel Teletoon, and on Nickelodeon and Nicktoons Channel in the United States, andon Pop! and Kix! in the UK. The show focuses on Willy Zilla, an ordinary timid teen boy just trying to be normal person despite being the son of a flamboyant, rich, and lively celebrity rock star named Rock Zilla...
Humanity must resume its war against the Martians when they revive after decades of hibernation following their defeat in the 1950s. The fate of Earth may very well rest in the hands of a small yet courageous band: astrophysicist Harrison Blackwood, paraplegic computer wizard Norton Drake, microbiologist Suzanne McCullough and military man Paul Ironhorse....
Soul Food: The Series is a television drama that aired Wednesday nights on Showtime from June 28, 2000 to May 26, 2004. Created by filmmaker George Tillman, Jr. and developed for television by Felicia D. Henderson, Soul Food is based upon Tillman's childhood experiences growing up in Wisconsin, and is a continuation of his successful 1997 film of the same name. Having aired for 74 episodes, it is the longest running drama with a predominantly black cast in the history of North American prime-tim...
Cyberchase is an American/Canadian television series for children ages 7-13. The series takes place in Cyberspace, a virtual world, and chronicles the adventures of three children, Jackie, Inez, and Matt, as they use math and problem solving skills to save Cyberspace and its leader, Motherboard, from The Hacker, the villain. Cyberchase has received generally positive reviews and won numerous awards. Thirteen/WNET New York and Nelvana produced the first five seasons, while Thirteen, in associatio...
Roboroach is a Canadian animated television series, which ran on Teletoon in Canada and Jetix in Europe. It follows the story of a cockroach named Rube and his brother Reg. While scavenging for food, as seen in the introduction film, Rube is caught and experimented on. His brother saves him, but when they jump in an electrical outlet, Rube is transformed forever into a roboroach, a half-robot half-cockroach. After that he swears to use his powers only for the good of everyone and never for perso...
When nine-year-old Ned Flemkin feeds his pet newt a can of Zippo, he ends up turning into a 6-foot shapeshifting pal for life....
Prematurely deceased people are given the opportunity to correct something that went wrong in their lives and thus change them for the better....
Doc is a medical drama/family drama with strong Christian undertones starring Billy Ray Cyrus as Dr. Clint "Doc" Cassidy, a Montana doctor who takes a job in a New York City medical clinic. It ran from March 11, 2001 to November 28, 2004 on PAX. Although set in New York City, all the episodes were shot in and around Toronto, Ontario, Canada....
Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal is a Canadian science fiction television series that surrounds a scientific team that deals with all manner of paranormal phenomena around the world; from alien abductions to possessions. The organization depicted in the series is loosely inspired by a real-life scientific organization. While locations in the series took place worldwide, the series was primarily filmed in and around Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and aired 88 episodes over four seasons from 19...
Announcer: "The Adventures of Superman. Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound!" Voices: "Look up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Superman!" Announcer: "Yes, it's Superman, strange visitor from another planet who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Superman, who can change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel in his bare hands; and who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild-m...
Mischief City is a Canadian animated children's show based on the book of the same name by Tim Wynne-Jones. It follows the adventures of 8 year old Winchell Adams in the extraordinary world of Mischief City. While in this fantasy world, Winchell is accompanied by Maxine, another 8 year old, and her two monsters Hey Hey and Mr. Cube. The group often faces odd and unusual problems most of which are a direct result of Maxine's troublesome older brother Duane. The series first aired on January 1, 20...
After returning from abroad after a break-up with his long-term partner, Justin plans to connect with his teenage daughter he gave up for adoption. His plans to make new memories with his daughter at the family cottage go awry when he discovers his parents left it to his picture-perfect step-sister, Maisy-May....
The show, set in Elkford, British Columbia, is based around Sharon Spitz, who is a junior high school student with braces that get in her way of leading a normal teenage life. In the first season, she is enrolled at Mary Pickford Junior High....
Best Ed is a Canadian animated television series created by Rick Marshall. The series premiered in 2008 on Teletoon. The series chronicles the adventures of an overly helpful and enthusiastic dog named Ed and his best friend, Doug the squirrel, whom everyone calls "Buddy" because Ed refers to him as best buddy. They live in their fictional hometown of Swellville. Best Ed is produced by 9 Story Entertainment and animated using Adobe Flash software....
Follow Captain Christopher Pike, Science Officer Spock and Number One in the years before Captain Kirk boarded the U.S.S. Enterprise, as they explore new worlds around the galaxy....
A high concept thriller that tells the story of Dr. Ephraim Goodweather, the head of the Center for Disease Control Canary Team in New York City. He and his team are called upon to investigate a mysterious viral outbreak with hallmarks of an ancient and evil strain of vampirism. As the strain spreads, Eph, his team, and an assembly of everyday New Yorkers, wage war for the fate of humanity itself....
Anything can turn spooky in this horror anthology series based on the best-selling books by master of kid horror, R.L. Stine. In every episode, see what happens when regular kids find themselves in scary situations, and how they work to confront and overcome their fears....
Life is hard on the Flemings' ranch in the Alberta foothills where abused or neglected horses find refuge with a kind, hard-working family. Debts abound and the bank is about to foreclose. Can they keep the ranch running?...
Murphy is a flawed and irreverent woman who just happens to be blind and is the only “witness” to the murder of her drug-dealing friend, Tyson. When the police dismiss her story, she sets out with her dog, Pretzel, to find the killer while also managing her colorful dating life and the job she hates at Guiding Hope, the guide-dog school owned by her overprotective parents....
An actor returns home after a public meltdown. Partnering with his police detective friend, he tries to use his acting experience to solve real crimes....
Alice De Raey is a newly minted attorney who joins the chaotic world of criminal justice in Toronto. She's exposed to the seamier side of life, the backroom deals that make the system work accompanied by the usual eccentric characters....
Adrian Monk was once a rising star with the San Francisco Police Department, legendary for using unconventional means to solve the department's most baffling cases. But after the tragic (and still unsolved) murder of his wife Trudy, he developed an extreme case of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Now working as a private consultant, Monk continues to investigate cases in the most unconventional ways....
An animated TV program that follows the life of an overworked and underpaid TV producer and her crewmates who work on a daytime talk show....
In this crime anthology series, viewers discover how an ordinary person got caught up in an extraordinary situation, ultimately revealing how one wrong turn leads to another, until it’s too late to turn back. Told from the defendant’s point of view, each episode opens in a courtroom on the accused without knowing their crime or how they ended up on trial....
A wolf and mountain lion team up when a meteor unleashes a virus turning zoo animals into zombies. They join forces with other survivors to rescue the zoo and stop the deranged mutant leader from spreading the virus....
The true story of a woman who is sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering her husband's ex-wife....
When an overly serious scholar attends a Jane Austen annual conference, she strikes a deal with the man playing Mr. Darcy and finds her perspective, and her heart, changed....
A Milwaukee Women's Health Clinic becomes the battleground between pro-choice activists and right-to-life demonstrators over and Easter Sunday weekend and involves three different women, each representing different sides of the issue....
Follows the events of Iran hostage crisis of 1979 and people who were held as hostages in the US embassy in Tehran, Iran for over 400 days....
Big city girls Julia and her best friend Sydney take a trip to a dude ranch in Wyoming for a fun weekend getaway, but after a brawl at the local bar, the girls are sentenced to stay in town and perform community service. Along the way, Julia finds love and her true calling in life....
Young career woman Samantha 'Sam' Hoyt gets swept off her feet by Benjamin 'Ben' Rosen, who romances her better then anyone before, so she jumps at the offer of becoming his fiancée. If Ben thought a girls typical obsession with the perfect wedding was testing, she soon proves a particularly bad case, and before he gets used to that meeting each-others parents complicates things gravely, as Jewish and church wedding traditions don't exactly mix easily. They take their time preparing while living...
A Mother is devastated when her sailor son is murdered by two of his crewmates in a homophobic attack....
A look at the life of real estate king/media mogul/reality TV star, Donald Trump....
Count Floyd, the former horror host of "Monster Chiller Horror Theatre" (SCTV), takes the audience through step by step lessons on how to make the best funny home videos....
All Melvyn Rosenbloom wants is to go back to the days when things were simpler and people were kinder -- the good old days. Deciding to renounce women altogether, he finds a house in his old neighbourhood and persuades his elderly crotchety father Harvey to move in with him. Harvey is something of a comic and, as Mel rediscovers, none too easy to live with. To add to the friction, there's the landlady, Jackie. From Mel's point of view as an aspiring celibate, she's all wrong: far too intelligent...
Jillian, a successful political consultant whose next big project is the upcoming mayoral campaign for her boyfriend, is on the way to meet George’s family for the first time. After an unusual confrontation with a toy store Santa, Jillian can’t stop herself from wildly spilling the truth. Jillian must find a way to make it stop before her holidays, her job and her relationship are ruined....
A new batch of recruits arrives at Police Academy, this time a group of civilian volunteers who have joined Commandant Lassard's new Citizens on Patrol program. Although the community relations project has strong governmental support, a disgusted Captain Harris is determined to see it fail....
Alan Masters is a despicable businessman with his hands in organized crime. He marries Diane, a kind and gentle woman, and abuses and batters her viciously. Sergeant John Reed has had enough of his city's organized crime and, against the wishes of his dirty-cop superiors, tries to get evidence against Alan Masters. After Alan finds out that Diane has been helping Reed, he beats her to death...and its up to John Reed to put him away for it, and clean up the dirty cops that want to stop him. Part ...
This is the story of the days directly after 9/11, and the president's whereabouts. Scheduled to air shortly before the second anniversary of the September 11 attacks, DC 9/11 takes an inside look at the Bush Administration, beginning with the day of the attacks, and following the President's journey to Ground Zero, culminating with his now famous national address nine days after the attacks....
CBC's dramatic account of the tragedy of Yellowknife's Giant Mine, in which 9 miners were killed during a bitter labour dispute....
Set in the underworld of debt-collecting, homegrown hustler Peg Dahl will do anything to escape Buffalo, NY....
The kids believe Santa will never find them when the Circo gets stuck at the South Pole on Christmas Eve. Luna helps the kids work to save Christmas, learning about holiday traditions from around the world along the way....