The Chaser's War on Everything was an Australian television satirical comedy series broadcast on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation television station ABC1. It has won an Australian Film Institute Award for Best Television Comedy Series. The cast perform sketches mocking social and political issues, and often feature comedic publicity stunts. The series is produced by the Australian satirical group, The Chaser, consisting of Chris Taylor, Julian Morrow, Craig Reucassel, Andrew Hansen, and C...
CNNNN is a news and current affairs channel owned and operated by ChaserCorp. It was founded by David Stewart in 1983 to counteract liberal bias in the media and remains the cornerstone of a television network that now contains over 40 different channels, spans 294 countries and reaches a potential cumulative audience of 100 billion people per week....
Good News Week was an Australian satirical panel game show hosted by Paul McDermott that aired from 19 April 1996 to 27 May 2000, and 11 February 2008 to 28 April 2012. The show's initial run aired on ABC until being bought by Network Ten in 1999. The show was revived for its second run when the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike caused many of Network Ten's imported US programmes to cease production. Good News Week drew its comedy and satire from recent news stories, political figures, ...
Australian version of the British comedy panel show featuring team captains joined by a stellar cast of celebrity guests who weave elaborate tales… that may or may not be the truth. Competing teams then ask questions and watch body language to determine which are outrageous but true, and which are made-up stories....
Join Chris Taylor for a brand new show all about film, television and just about anything else you can watch on a screen. From the latest blockbusters to the hidden gems, we're here to help you work out what to watch next...
Randling is a game show that hearkens back to the good old days when a point was a point and a team was something worth barracking for. Using sporting competition as inspiration and framework, Randling pits ten amazing teams against each other over 27 rounds of bone-crunching combat. White-water rafting for the brain, Randling is a show where smart people can be funny and funny people can be smart, where actual knowledge may help you, but just as likely won’t. It’s a cheeky, surprising show th...
When timid bank clerk Stanley Ipkiss discovers a magical mask containing the spirit of the Norse god Loki, his entire life changes. While wearing the mask, Ipkiss becomes a supernatural playboy exuding charm and confidence which allows him to catch the eye of local nightclub singer Tina Carlyle. Unfortunately, under the mask's influence, Ipkiss also robs a bank, which angers junior crime lord Dorian Tyrell, whose goons get blamed for the heist....
When the batteries on her trusty 'pink rabbit' vibrator go flat, a frisky young house wife is forced to improvise to get her rocks off. Just when all seems futile, God answers her prayers....