The Chaser's War on Everything was an Australian television satirical comedy series broadcast on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation television station ABC1. It has won an Australian Film Institute Award for Best Television Comedy Series. The cast perform sketches mocking social and political issues, and often feature comedic publicity stunts. The series is produced by the Australian satirical group, The Chaser, consisting of Chris Taylor, Julian Morrow, Craig Reucassel, Andrew Hansen, and C...
CNNNN is a news and current affairs channel owned and operated by ChaserCorp. It was founded by David Stewart in 1983 to counteract liberal bias in the media and remains the cornerstone of a television network that now contains over 40 different channels, spans 294 countries and reaches a potential cumulative audience of 100 billion people per week....
Top Gear Australia is an Australian motoring television series based on the BBC series Top Gear. The show premiered on SBS One on 29 September 2008 at 7:30 pm AEST, with its first season consisting of 8 episodes. A second season was announced following the release of ratings figures for the premiere and favourable comments from advertisers, and began airing from 11 May 2009. After acquiring the rights to broadcast the UK version in 2009, the Nine Network started airing their own version of Top ...
An anthology series centered around some of history's most famous criminal investigations....
Jay, Kumi, Crick, Buzz, and Walter are best friends who band together to explore and learn in an overgrown suburban backyard, which to them is their entire universe. Each episode of this animated series features songs by The Beatles performed by artists including Daniel Johns, Robbie Williams and Pink to tell uplifting and life-affirming stories filled with hope and melody....
Explore an aspirational world where NASA and the space program remained a priority and a focal point of our hopes and dreams as told through the lives of NASA astronauts, engineers, and their families....
Good Game is a program dedicated to video gaming. Each week it is jam-packed with the latest gaming news and events, top gaming tips, reviews and interviews with game developers and the people behind the scenes....
Master diver Frank McGuire has explored the South Pacific's Esa-ala Caves for months. But when his exit is cut off in a flash flood, Frank's team—including 17-year-old son Josh and financier Carl Hurley are forced to radically alter plans. With dwindling supplies, the crew must navigate an underwater labyrinth to make it out....
A documentary on the recent history of Australian wine. How a small group of enterprising Australian winemakers took on the elitist world of wine - and won....