Defenders of the Earth is an American animated television series produced in 1986, featuring characters from three comic strips distributed by King Features Syndicate—Flash Gordon, The Phantom, and Mandrake the Magician—opposing Ming the Merciless in the year 2015. Supporting characters include their children Rick Gordon, Jedda Walker, Kshin, Mandrake's assistant Lothar, and Lothar's son L.J. The show lasted for 65 episodes; there was also a short-lived comic book series published by Star Comics...
Follow the lives of a group of young adults living in a brownstone apartment complex on Melrose Place, in Los Angeles, California....
Young, urban newlyweds Paul and Jamie Buchman try to sustain their marital bliss while sidestepping the hurdles of love in the '90s....
Four Southern Florida seniors share a house, their dreams, and a whole lot of cheesecake. Bright, promiscuous, clueless and hilarious, these lovely, mismatched ladies form the perfect circle of friends....
An unassuming mystery writer turned sleuth uses her professional insight to help solve real-life homicide cases....
The first day of Spring is on its way and the Little Ponies are preparing for it with a big festival. But all the fun may come to an end if the witch Hydia has her way! Can the Ponies defeat Hydia and her evil daughters, Reeka and Draggle? More importantly, can they save Ponyland from the witches’ concoction, the strange purple goo called Smooze, that’s threatening to bury the whole town?...
When 15-year-old Sonny Wisecarver has an affair with his older neighbor Francine and then runs off to marry her, a stern judge has the union annulled. Then, when Sonny finds himself before the same judge after getting involved with another woman in her 20s, the publicity from this case makes him the object of affection for millions of young women...
Baroness Kandy Kaye Horn seems like a character drawn out of some warped East Texas fairy-tale, but she's as real as the stars. Her rags-to-riches story is one you can't make up: from homeless at 15 to a millionaire philanthropist; from getting thrown into psych wards to throwin' herself into the Texas gubernatorial race... she's led one helluva life. Call her crazy, but under the larger-than-life exterior, this Texas tornado is a woman with resilience, fierce intelligence, and an enduring love ...
A teen, who is always in trouble in school and has been sent to reform school, turns her life around when a counselor discovers she is dyslexic....
Chicago psychiatrist Judd Stevens is suspected of murdering one of his patients when the man turns up stabbed to death in the middle of the city. After repeated attempts to convince the cops of his innocence, Dr. Stevens is forced to go after the real villains himself....
Meet Joel Goodson, an industrious, college-bound 17-year-old and a responsible, trustworthy son. However, when his parents go away and leave him home alone in the wealthy Chicago suburbs with the Porsche at his disposal he quickly decides he has been good for too long and it is time to enjoy himself. After an unfortunate incident with the Porsche Joel must raise some cash, in a risky way....
The necklace of Oros would give Ming his long-awaited wish of knowing the secret of gravity. Knowing that it is Jedda's birthday and, on that day, she gets to select a gift from the family jewels Ming arranges through Gravitron that she select the necklace. Thus begins another splendid episode in which the forces of good and evil are colorfully depicted through luxurious landscapes and terrifying aliens....