Set in Chicago, the show follows the kid-friendly misadventures of two high-school friends who are always scheming and dreaming. Kenan, who works at a grocery store, constantly devises crazy plans to strike it rich, while orange-soda-loving buddy Kel is always dragged along for the ride despite his track record for messing things up....
My Brother and Me is a sitcom on Nickelodeon that premiered on October 15, 1994, and ran until February 2, 1995. The show is about a family living in the West Side of Charlotte, North Carolina, who experience the highs and lows of everyday life. Jennifer and Roger Parker have two sons, Alfie and Dee Dee. Alfie is the cool elder brother and Dee Dee is the younger brother, who always follows Alfie around. The family also has a smarter, older daughter named Melanie. Another main character of the sh...
Ron and Natalie live on an island off the coast of South Carolina with their three children, James, Vanessa and Simeon; their niece, Shaina; and a giant tadpole named Binyah Binyah Poliiwog. Together they learn about life and culture and getting along with others....
Giants is an original scripted drama series about three friends determined to live life on their own terms, no matter the cost. They quickly learn that when life starts to kick your ass, you either lay down, or fight back....
The Rockmores set out on a family road trip with an uninvited Kel stashed in the trunk. While camping out in the woods, Kenan has a scary encounter with a mysterious, shadowy figure......
The Magic City, by Director R. Malcolm Jones, is a motion picture based on hope and resilience played out in a coming of age story laced with sometimes insurmountable tragedies and exhilarating adventures. Characters Tiana, Nia and Amiya initially adversaries, forge a lifelong friendship through hope and adversity in one of Miami’s gritty and unforgiving neighborhoods, Liberty City....
Spurred by a white woman's lie, vigilantes destroy a black Florida town and slay inhabitants in 1923....