Monkey Dust is a British satirical cartoon, notorious for its dark humour and handling of taboo topics such as bestiality, murder, suicide and paedophilia. There were three series broadcast on BBC Three between 2003 and 2005. Following co-creator Harry Thompson's death, no further series were made....
Andy Millman gave up his day job five years ago in the hope of achieving the big time, but he’s yet to land a speaking part, let alone saunter down the red carpet to pick up an Oscar. He remains optimistic however, as rubbing shoulders with the A-list on-set only serves to reinforce his belief that the big time is just a job or two away....
A young doctor who has graduated at the top of his class from the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry is thrust out into an isolated and impoverished country side as the village's only doctor. As he learns to adapt to his new lifestyle, he develops a morphine addiction to stay his sanity while realizing what being a doctor in the real world means....
Jerk follows the life of acclaimed stand up Tim Renkow, who plays a heightened version of himself; an American art school dropout who needs to get a visa to stay in the UK. The only problem is that Tim has cerebral palsy. This means that people judge him… all the time. Although usually they judge him wrongly, because what they don’t realise is that inside that severely disabled, vulnerable body is a bit of an asshole....