John Philpott played Courage. He was born on April 3 1949. He has six brothers and a sister named Jane. John was nicknamed Little John because there were two Johns in the series and he was shorter than his tall coast star John McIndoe After the Bugaloos John went on to join a couple of bands then he married and has a son named John Jr. John still keeps in contact with Big John Caroline and sometimes Wayne. Little John lives in France and is waiting for a Bugaloos Reunion and a movie with John McIndoe
The Bugaloos was an American children's television series, produced by brothers Sidney Krofft and Martin Krofft, that aired on NBC on Saturday mornings from 1970 to 1972. The show featured a musical group composed of four British-accented teenagers, who lived in fictional Tranquility Forest. They wore insect-themed outfits with antennae and wings which allowed them to fly, though on occasion, they were shown flying on surfboards. They were constantly beset by the evil machinations of Benita Biza...
Crime & Punishment is a 2002 reality television, nontraditional court show spin-off of the Law & Order franchise. It premiered on NBC on Sunday, June 16, 2002, and ran through the summers of 2002, 2003, and 2004....