Paula's Party is a show on the Food Network hosted by Paula Deen. Unlike her other show on the Food Network, Paula's Home Cooking, Paula's Party was originally taped in front of a small audience at Uncle Bubba's Oyster House in Savannah, Georgia, and Deen herself frequently interacts with members. In 2008, taping of the show moved from Savannah to Food Network studios in New York City. In the program, Deen offers help to audience members who have culinary problems. This new format allows her to...
Paula's Best Dishes is a cooking show hosted by Paula Deen on Food Network On June 21, 2013, the Food Network announced that they would not renew Deen's contract due to controversy surrounding Deen's use of a racial slur and racist jokes in her restaurant, effectively cancelling the series....
ABC Daytime's morning chatfest, currently featuring Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, Sara Haines, Alyssa Farah Griffin, and Ana Navarro discussing the most exciting events of the day. Hot topics in the news, the best experts in their field, celebrity interviews and general entertainment are all part of The View....