Nashville Star is an American reality television program. It was last produced and transmitted during mid-2008 on NBC, following five seasons on USA Network. It premiered on March 8, 2003, and its five seasons on USA made it the longest-running competition series on cable television. In Canada, the show aired on CMT through season 5, but moved to E! beginning with season 6. CMT in the United States reaired each episode in season 6. It was similar to American Idol, in that performers had to sing...
Celebrities compete to lose weight and get in shape. The celebrities take part in a range of physical and motivational activities designed to shed pounds, increase team spirit, and win prizes. In the end, they face the scales at a weigh-in ceremony where they are individually weighed in by a panel of experts....
CMT's "A Very Special Acoustic Christmas" at The Wildhorse saloon in Nashville on December 3. The program will be shown on CMT throughout December. Appearing with Earl are Gary Scruggs, Randy Scruggs, Glen Duncan, Rob Ickes, Jon Randall and Harry Stinson. Other guests on the program are Marty Stuart, Rhonda Vincent, Pat Green and Tift Merritt....
"Beer for My Horses" tells the story of two best friends that work together as deputies in a small town. The two defy the Sheriff and head off on an outrageous road trip to save the protagonist's girlfriend from drug lord kidnappers....