Ramayan is a highly successful and phenomenally popular Indian epic television series created, written, and directed by Ramanand Sagar. The 78 episode series originally aired weekly on Doordarshan from 25 January 1987, to 31 July 1988, on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. IST. It is a television adaptation of the ancient Indian Hindu religious epic of the same name and is primarily based on Valmiki's Ramayan and Tulsidas' Ramcharitmanas. It is also partly derived from portions of Kamban's Ramavataram and ot...
Luv Kush is an Indian television series created, written, produced, and directed by Ramanand Sagar. It is a follow-up to Sagar's highly successful Ramayan, featuring mostly the same cast and production crew. Luv Kush covers the last book, the "Uttar Kand," of the ancient Indian epic Ramayana, following Ram's coronation, especially focusing on his children Luv and Kush....
Private Resham Singh is employed by the Indian Armed Forces and sent to the battle-front under the command of Major Balwant Rai. They find themselves outnumbered and are ordered to retreat at all costs. But Balwant refuses to obey, and both put up a successful resistance. During this, Balwant is mortally wounded, and Resham carries him to safety. Thereafter Balwant is Court-martial-ed for disobeying orders and dishonorably discharged from the army. He returns home to his wife, Nirmala Rai, and a...
Raj Anand is a Bollywood movie director and lives a wealthy lifestyle with his wife, Padmini, and only son, Varun. He is respected and liked in the industry and is known to be a man of honesty and principles. He feels that Varun should make a debut in one of his movies, which he decides to call "Nagar Vadhu" (Prostitute), and hopes to cast a well-known Bollywood actress, Sakhi Swami, opposite Varun in the female lead role. The only problem is that Varun dislikes acting, but when Raj persuades hi...
The film is the story of an actor who has reached many heights in his career but has to retire from acting at the peak....
The story is based on the life of Vishvamitra, who is one of the most venerated sages of ancient times in India. At last, Vishwamitra penance power reaches to heights of Himalayas where he utilizes it to the welfare of the universe by preaching great Gayatri Mantra and the movie ends Vishwamitra becoming one among the stars of the universe at Saptarishi Mandalam....
A group of vagabonds happen to loot a man of ethics and on their way to their hideout take asylum (forcibly) in a house owned by a pregnant woman and her husband. They unintentionally kill the woman's husband and run away. After many years the killers have become big wheels of the society and are now into vulgar display of wealth characterized by frequent high-profile parties and events. However, little do they know that a hideously deformed monster is lurking around them and in the nearby woods...
Advocate Gautam Mehra lives in Bombay with his wife, Anju, and a daughter, Rakhsa. One day while returning from court he sees a woman being molested. He stops, phones the police, and then tries to stop the molester, in vain, though as he gets attacked and loses consciousness. But the police do arrive and arrest the molester. Raghuvir's attempts to convince Gautam to change his testimony are in vain. Gautam goes on to testify against Raghuvir Singh, and gets him sentenced to seven years rigorous ...