Darcy's Wild Life is an American-Canadian television series, filmed during 2004-2006, and broadcast on Discovery Kids and the Family Channel. The show revolves around Darcy Fields, the daughter of an eccentric actress who decides to move away from Malibu to raise her daughter in a more normal environment. Darcy is slow to adjust to her new home in the country. She gets a job at a local veterinary clinic called Creature Comforts. The show is mostly about the humorous situations Darcy gets into wh...
Aspiring novelist Jane Black suddenly winds up unemployed. Hoping for a more conventional lifestyle, she goes in search of a job, hoping to find something with a 40-hour work week and maybe even dental insurance. Her adventures in the corporate world are not so ordinary, however, and she learns that a normal life may not be so normal after all....
School nurse Alice Goodwin lives with her husband and two daughters on a dairy farm in a small Wisconsin community. After an accident on her property involving a friend's child, the town turns against her and Alice finds herself fighting charges of child abuse....
Fanny Kemble is a famous star of the English stage, but while touring the United States, she gives up her career to marry wealthy American Pierce Butler. Moving with him from Philadelphia to his Georgia plantation, Fanny sees slavery firsthand, and her outrage leads her to help the family's slaves in open defiance of her spouse. Undaunted by the consequences, Fanny eventually writes a book that strengthens the anti-slavery movement....
Karen and Phil's first child is stolen by someone impersonating a nurse on Christmas Eve. A determined policewoman follows all clues in order to find the baby before it's too late....
In the aftermath of the terrible Civil War which has devastated the South, Amanda America Dixon returns home to find she has become the sole heir to a vast cotton plantation. But the dreadful secret which has blighted her life threatens to deprive her of the birthright which her beloved father David had struggled for so long to create. Raised by her father and grandmother to be the perfect white Southern Belle, Amanda's true mother was a black slave Julia. Confronted with the forces of greed and...
The story of three women who live in a North Carolina town and defy the traditional roles set forth for them by society....
A woman intensely believes her husband will recover from a coma during the holiday season....