Philip Rais, also known as "Fishka," was a renowned actor from South Africa. He made his mark in the entertainment industry through his appearances in various motion pictures and television shows. While he gained recognition for his role in the film "Cannibal Girls" in 1973, it was his portrayal of 'Igor' on the beloved children's program "The Hilarious House of Frightenstein" from 1971 to 1974 that truly left a lasting impression. Sadly, Philip passed away shortly after the show concluded. Interestingly, he used to drive a Volkswagon Beetle, but the clutch was so worn out that he had to attach a rope to it in order to pull the pedal back up.
The Hilarious House of Frightenstein, was a quirky Canadian sketch comedy TV series from the 1970s that included some genuine educational content among the humour. It featured the talented Billy Van, Billy Van, Billy Van, and many more. Fishka Rais played the role of Igor, Joe Torbay portrayed Gronk, Guy Big brought Count Munchkinstein to life, and the legendary Vincent Price made special guest appearances. “Another lovely day begins, for ghosts and ghouls with greenish skin. So close your eyes...
A young African boy is rescued from a witchdoctor's death curse. He travels to the big city where a blind white man becomes his protector....
A young couple spend the night in a restaurant, only to find out that it is haunted by three dead women who hunger for human flesh....