The Dick Van Dyke Show centers around the work and home life of television comedy writer Rob Petrie. The plots generally revolve around problems at work, where Rob got into various comedic jams with fellow writers Buddy Sorrell, Sally Rogers and producer Mel Cooley....
"Creature Features" see a has-been rock star Vincent Van Dahl hosts horror films in his haunted mansion with the help of his stalwart butler Mr. Livingston and quixotic housemate Tangella....
With unprecedented access to the Mary Tyler Moore Estate, friends, family, and colleagues, Being Mary Tyler Moore constructs an intimate mosaic of Mary's sixty-year career in show business....
Dick Clark reviews popular music of the '50s and '60s....
40 years after The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961), Alan Brady wants to hire Rob and Sally to write his eulogy - in order to win a bet with his wife. Although they don't want to do it, he offers them a huge amount of money. If Rob takes the job, Laura could open her dream dance studio....