White Collar Blue is an Australian television series made by Knapman Wyld Television for Network Ten from 2002 to 2003. Starring Peter O'Brien as Joe Hill and Freya Stafford as Harriet Walker, the series dealt with a division of the police force working in the city of Sydney and the personal and professional tensions affecting their work and lives. In the pilot episode, Harriet is introduced as the new face to Kingsway station, transferring from the "White Collar" federal police to the "Blue C...
BeastMaster is a Canadian television series that aired from 1999 to 2002. It was loosely based on a 1982 MGM film The Beastmaster. The series aired for three complete seasons. It is produced by Coote/Hayes Productions. The series was nominated for the Open Craft Award in the category of cinematography by the Australian Film Institute in 2000, and for the Saturn Award for Best Syndicated/Cable Television Series by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Films, USA, in 2001. BeastMast...
The true story of Tony Mokbel; how he grew entangled with the country’s most notorious underworld figures, how he built his massive fortune, and how he became a fugitive on a yacht bound for Greece, desperate to escape mounting criminal law battles....
The story of Easton West, an internationally-renowned yet volatile celebrity chef who has a spectacular fall from grace and returns to his hometown in the Adelaide Hills, Australia....
Sit Down, Shut Up was a short-lived Australian sitcom broadcast by Network Ten. It ran from 16 February 2001 until 28 June 2001 for a total of 13 episodes. The series followed the staff and students at a dysfunctional fictional high school called Carpen Heights Secondary College, and focused on the life of the teachers in and out of the staff room. Michael Reed, a writer for the show, has claimed that Summer Heights High, a more successful show with similar themes that debuted in 2007, had bor...
Grass Roots is an Australian television series produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation between 2000 and 2003. The series is set around the fictional Arcadia Waters Council near Sydney, and was primarily a satirical look at the machinations of local government. It was written by Geoffrey Atherden. Part of the series was filmed in the inner west Sydney suburb of Concord. Many external shots of Arcadia waters Council chambers used Concord Council Chambers as a setting and as was other...
Children's Hospital is an Australian television series that screened on the ABC in 1997 and 1998. There was one series of 13 episodes produced. The series was set in a busy inner-city children's hospital. It followed the stories of the hospital staff, the young patients and their concerned families....
A freak accident during an experimental space mission catapults Astronaut John Crichton across a thousand galaxies to an alien battlefield....
Wildside is an Australian police procedural television series broadcast on the ABC from 1997 to 1999. The show consisted of a one hour format that followed police interactions in inner Sydney. It starred Rachael Blake, Tony Martin, Richard Carter and Alex Dimitriades. Mary Coustas joined the series in a regular role late in its run, appearing in the last ten episodes. The series was filmed in Sydney. It was characterised by its use of ad lib dialogue and hand held camera work. It won several L...
Medical drama focusing on the working and personal lives of the doctors and nurses working on the front line of a busy inner city Emergency Department at All Saints Hospital....
A woman unable to conceive a child with her husband, despite years of trying, makes the drunken mistake of sleeping with a young stranger. The stranger then goes to terrifying lengths to prove his paternity....
The story of Stuart Diver, the only person to survive the 1997 Thredbo tragedy that came about when a landslide engulfed a ski lodge situated in Australia's Snowy Mountains....
The newly formed Independent Republic of South Australia is the phoenix that rises from the ashes of a decaying and corrupt Australian Commonwealth, becoming wealthy beyond imagination on the back of uranium....
When a group of friends discover how to conjure spirits using an embalmed hand, they become hooked on the new thrill, until one of them goes too far and unleashes terrifying supernatural forces....
A surburban California family is beset by the power of supernatural subconscious. A bone-chilling thriller with electrifying effects....
A privileged family, gathered for a wake, find their perfect home under attack from the desperate survivors of a parasitic pandemic....