Blue Heelers was one of Australia's longest running weekly television drama series. Blue Heelers is a police drama series set in the fictional country town of Mount Thomas. Under the watchful eye of Tom Croydon (John Wood), the men and women of Mount Thomas Police Station fight crime, resolve disputes and tackle the social issues of the day. We watch their successes and their failures and learn to grow with them and their loved ones as the heart of the series develops....
Toby Johnson is a regular easy-going student struggling with homework and girls. Elizabeth Hawke is the teacher's pet and nobody at school likes her. One day they get hit by a ray - a unique magnetic pulse that changes every thing. Suddenly they are both scientific geniuses! Elizabeth revels in her new found power and want to dominate the school. She decides she must eliminate Toby....
Follows the adventures and triumphs of a group of children as they discover and develop their talents in an extraordinary children's circus. Luke and Phoebe move to the country but the first impressions of their new home aren't encouraging until they discover the town has its own circus, managed by Caz....
An actress on location in Berlin, Germany begins to blur her own life with the character she plays....
Two teenage geniuses battle it out for school domination in this feature length version of the hugely successful, award-winning teen action series....