Surprise, Surprise is a British television programme originally hosted by Cilla Black and produced by London Weekend Television for ITV. It ran for 14 series from 6 May 1984 to 5 September 1997, after which four annual specials were produced between 1998 to 2001. In 2012, the show returned after a 11-year hiatus. The revived version is produced by ITV Studios and presented by Holly Willoughby. The show is currently in its second series....
Chef and restaurateur John Torode and food writer and ingredients expert Gregg Wallace search for the country's top celebrity chef....
Sketch comedy show starring Kenny Everett....
Bullseye was a popular British television programme. It was first made for the ITV network by ATV in 1981, then by Central from 1982 until 1995, and was hosted by Jim Bowen....
Sketch comedy show starring Kenny Everett....
Antiques experts accompany celebrities on a road trip around the UK searching for treasures and competing to make the most money at auction...
Romesh Ranganathan takes charge of the back-stabbing big money game show. Can the contestants create a chain of answers and avoid the boot?...
Each week a group of four famous faces go toe to toe in testing their general knowledge skills in a variety of entertaining games....
Narrated by comedian Paddy McGuinness, here is a documentary celebrating 35 years of Bullseye featuring the hosts Jim Bowen and Tony Green with celebrity guests Linda Lusardi, Nick Hancock, Anne Diamond, David Baddiel, Katy Brand, Gary Wilmot, Frank Bruno, Tessa Sanderson and legendary dart players John Lowe, Eric Bristow and Bobby George....
Kenny gives us his rendition of Charles Dickens story A Christmas Carol, "with apologies to C. Dickens, Esquire"...
Celebrity test subjects try junk food overeating in a intresting experiment...