The Screen Savers is an American TV show that aired on TechTV. The show launched concurrently with the channel ZDTV on May 11, 1998. The Screen Savers originally centered around computers, new technologies, and their adaptations in the world. However, after it was taken over by G4, the show became more general-interest oriented and focused somewhat less on technology. The final episode of The Screen Savers aired on March 18, 2005. Repeat episodes continued to air until March 25, 2005 when its re...
Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files is a paranormal investigation series produced by Base Productions that began airing July 15, 2010, on SyFy. The show follows a team of investigators, led by former FBI agent Ben Hansen, who review various photographs and viral videos of alleged paranormal activity. If a particular piece of evidence is deemed intriguing enough to warrant further investigation, they set out to recreate and explain the sighting. Beginning episode #207 in first-half of season two, th...
The HGTV Dream Home is the American cable network Home & Garden Television's annual project house and sweepstakes, held since 1997. The sweepstakes commences with a January 1st TV special showcasing the fully furnished, custom-built dream home valued in excess of one million dollars; an in-depth tour reveals what makes these homes and their beautiful locations so special....
Rachael Ray, also known as The Rachael Ray Show, is an American talk show starring Rachael Ray that debuted in syndication in the United States and Canada on September 18, 2006. It is filmed at Chelsea Television Studios in New York City. The show's 8th season premiered on September 9, 2013, and became the last Harpo show in syndication to switch to HD with a revamped studio. In January 2012, CBS Television Distribution announced a two-year renewal for the show, taking it through the 2013–14 sea...
Washed-up action star Rob Riggle, looking to change the world through “personal watercraft education,” has invested all of his money and reputation into an academy that celebrates what he feels is America's truest art form. Riggle, legendary stunt man commandant Dirk Hamsteak and the rest of the instructors spend the semester defending their beloved academy at all costs -- no matter how many people criticize it, go missing or die....
Explore an aspirational world where NASA and the space program remained a priority and a focal point of our hopes and dreams as told through the lives of NASA astronauts, engineers, and their families....
A locally born and bred S.W.A.T. lieutenant is torn between loyalty to the streets and duty to his fellow officers when he's tasked to run a highly-trained unit that's the last stop for solving crimes in Los Angeles....
A slow burn into insanity as a small band of survivors find themselves spending a post-meteoric apocalypse in a fun house converted into a bomb shelter....