Ikaw Sana is a Philippine drama series produced by GMA Network. The series features Jennylyn Mercado, Mark Herras, and Pauleen Luna and directed by Joel Lamangan. The series premiered on September 21, 2009 and ended on February 5, 2010. It was aired worldwide, with a two-day delay on GMA Pinoy TV. From August 29, 2011 until January 13, 2012 the series was re-aired on GMA Life TV worldwide....
Faithfully is a Filipino drama series created and written by RJ Nuevas, under the direction of Michael Tuviera and produced by GMA Network. This series headlines Maxene Magalona, Mike Tan and Marc Abaya as the lead characters with Michelle Madrigal, Isabel Oli, Vaness del Moral and Isabelle Daza. This series premiered on June 18, 2012, replacing Broken Vow on GMA Afternoon Prime block and June 21, 2012 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series centers on the life of Stella, who uncovers her husban...
Mars Ravelo's Basahang Ginto or Golden Heart is a Philippine drama and a Sine Novela offering produced by GMA Network starring Carla Abellana and Geoff Eigenmann. It premiered on May 24, 2010 on GMA Network's Dramarama sa Hapon and on May 28, 2010 worldwide on GMA Pinoy TV. It is a TV remake of the 1951 film which was based on the comic by Mars Ravelo. From February 4, 2013 until May 10, 2013, GMA Life TV aired its English-dubbed version worldwide....
Kokak or The Frog Princess is a Fantasy/Romance TV series of GMA Network starring Sarah Lahbati in the title role, with TJ Trinidad and JC Tiuseco as her leading men. Kokak is based on a popular comics serial with the same title, originally created by Ruben Marcelino and published in Darna Komiks. In 1989, it was also made into film by Seiko Films which starred Rachel Lobangco and Gabby Concepcion. Premieres November 14, 2011 replacing Pahiram ng Isang Ina on GMA's Afternoon Prime blocked. The ...
Kahit Nasaan Ka Man or Wherever You Are is a Filipino drama series broadcast by GMA Network starring Julie Anne San Jose, Kristoffer Martin and Lucho Ayala. It is set to premiere on September 23, 2013 replacing Anna Karenina on the network's primetime GMA Telebabad block and worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV on September 24, 2013....
Gumapang Ka Sa Lusak or Secret Affairs is a Sine Novela offering produced by GMA Network starring Dennis Trillo and Jennylyn Mercado. From October 15, 2012 until February 19, 2013, GMA Life TV aired its English-dubbed version worldwide....
Muli or In Love Again is a Filipino-Malaysian drama television series created and developed by Don Michael Perez and produced by GMA Network and Cre-Asian Sbn Bhd. The series premiered on February 19, 2007 and concluded on April 27, 2007 and stars Alfred Vargas, Malaysian actors Carrie Lee and Tony Eusoff, and Marian Rivera. The show was executive produced by Camille Gomba-Montaño and directed by Mac Alejandre. It also shown in Malaysian at TV1 and dubbed in Bahasa....
Four women with ulterior and hidden secrets because of a businessman's unexplainable assassination. Their lives will be shattered and trapped in a maze of lies, conflicts, betrayals, mysteries, ambition, murder, wealth and power....
The show revolves around Amelia Galang, a loving and hardworking mother who takes a desperate step to give her children a better life. She accepts a job from Madam V to deliver a package abroad, unaware that the package contains illegal drugs. As a result, Amelia is arrested at the airport and charged with drug smuggling. She ends up in prison, losing sight of her husband and four children. When Amelia is finally released, she faces a world turned upside down. Her family has broken up, and her ...
Finally after three years of courtship, Migs, a medical intern, marries simple and unassuming Joy, a nurse in the hospital of Migs' residency. Several days before the wedding, his first love and childhood best friend Bela, a sophisticated woman, returns from Canada, still single and in love with Migs. The young couple meets an unfortunate incident turning their newly-found bliss into a tragic existence. Living with Migs turns out to be an agonizing experience as his new state of mind gets more ...