BeastMaster is a Canadian television series that aired from 1999 to 2002. It was loosely based on a 1982 MGM film The Beastmaster. The series aired for three complete seasons. It is produced by Coote/Hayes Productions. The series was nominated for the Open Craft Award in the category of cinematography by the Australian Film Institute in 2000, and for the Saturn Award for Best Syndicated/Cable Television Series by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Films, USA, in 2001. BeastMast...
Medical drama focusing on the working and personal lives of the doctors and nurses working on the front line of a busy inner city Emergency Department at All Saints Hospital....
When a dark secret from this past threatens to be exposed, unorthodox and brilliant medical examiner, Doctor Daniel Harrow, must use all his forensic skills to keep it buried forever....
Medical drama focusing on the working and personal lives of the doctors and nurses working on the front line of a busy inner city Emergency Department at All Saints Hospital....
Based on Louis L'Amour novel, The Diamond of Jeru tells the story of an American scientist and his wife who hire an ex-pat war veteren to act as a guide on a journey up an unchartered Borneo river in search of diamonds....