The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss is an American live-action/puppet television series based on characters created by Dr. Seuss, produced by Jim Henson Productions. It aired for two seasons on the Nick Jr. Block on Nickelodeon. For the first few episodes, the show aired during Sunday night prime time, immediately before Nick News. It also premiered on PBS from January 12, 1998 until May 25, 2002. It is notable for its use of live puppets with digitally animated backgrounds, and in its first season...
The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss is an American live-action/puppet television series based on characters created by Dr. Seuss, produced by Jim Henson Productions. It aired for two seasons on the Nick Jr. Block on Nickelodeon. For the first few episodes, the show aired during Sunday night prime time, immediately before Nick News. It also premiered on PBS from January 12, 1998 until May 25, 2002. It is notable for its use of live puppets with digitally animated backgrounds, and in its first season...
The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss is an American live-action/puppet television series based on characters created by Dr. Seuss, produced by Jim Henson Productions. It aired for two seasons on the Nick Jr. Block on Nickelodeon. For the first few episodes, the show aired during Sunday night prime time, immediately before Nick News. It also premiered on PBS from January 12, 1998 until May 25, 2002. It is notable for its use of live puppets with digitally animated backgrounds, and in its first season...
The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss is an American live-action/puppet television series based on characters created by Dr. Seuss, produced by Jim Henson Productions. It aired for two seasons on the Nick Jr. Block on Nickelodeon. For the first few episodes, the show aired during Sunday night prime time, immediately before Nick News. It also premiered on PBS from January 12, 1998 until May 25, 2002. It is notable for its use of live puppets with digitally animated backgrounds, and in its first season...
Between the Lions is a PBS Kids puppet television series designed to promote reading. The show is a co-production between WGBH in Boston and Sirius Thinking, Ltd., in New York City, in association with Mississippi Public Broadcasting, in Mississippi. The show has won seven Daytime Emmy awards between 2001 and 2007. The target audience is children 4 to 7 years old. It has the same puppet style as Sesame Street and several season 2 episodes, notably in Dance in Smarty Pants, had a few characters f...
Allegra's Window is a children's television series that aired on Nick Jr. from October 24, 1994 to May 1, 1996, with reruns airing from May 2, 1996 to June 1998 and later airing on Noggin from February 2, 1999 to April 2003. The show deals with the daily life of a precocious, imaginative puppet named Allegra, and featured live actors, puppets and animation ala Sesame Street. The show was created by Jan Fleming, John Hoffman and Jim Jinkins. The series also spawned a series of music videos aired...
When teen Sarah is forced to babysit her half-brother Toby, she summons Jareth the Goblin King to take him away. When he is actually kidnapped, Sarah is given just thirteen hours to solve a labyrinth and rescue him....