John E. Kennedy is an American puppeteer working in film and television.
The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss is an American live-action/puppet television series based on characters created by Dr. Seuss, produced by Jim Henson Productions. It aired for two seasons on the Nick Jr. Block on Nickelodeon. For the first few episodes, the show aired during Sunday night prime time, immediately before Nick News. It also premiered on PBS from January 12, 1998 until May 25, 2002. It is notable for its use of live puppets with digitally animated backgrounds, and in its first season...
The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss is an American live-action/puppet television series based on characters created by Dr. Seuss, produced by Jim Henson Productions. It aired for two seasons on the Nick Jr. Block on Nickelodeon. For the first few episodes, the show aired during Sunday night prime time, immediately before Nick News. It also premiered on PBS from January 12, 1998 until May 25, 2002. It is notable for its use of live puppets with digitally animated backgrounds, and in its first season...
Jim Henson's Pajanimals is a children's TV series on PBS Kids Sprout. The Pajanimals are characters that were made by Jim Henson's Creature Shop at The Jim Henson Company....
Jack takes a break everyday from his busy kid schedule to visit his favorite place in the world—his backyard clubhouse. Here he can do what he loves best—create and enjoy music, sing, dance and have a ball with his friend Mary, his faithful dog Mel and all of his neighborhood pals who stop by. Anything can happen in Jack’s clubhouse....
Animal Jam is a children's television show created by John Derevlany and produced by Jim Henson Television which first aired on February 24, 2003 until 2010....
A human single father is abducted by a spaceship and fall in love with an alien single mother. They return to Earth to marry and raise their blended family....
Ms. Julie teaches performing arts workshops with the help of her assistant Gus at their Wellspring Center for the Performing Arts....
The show featured children's book author Tomie dePaola and his Muppet friend Gabe the squirrel, encouraging children to make their own stories in a variety of media. In each episode, Tomie told a story featuring his storybook characters Strega Nona, Big Anthony and Bambolona. Gabe visited The Animal Band, a group of woodland creatures, including a rabbit on drums, a weasel on guitar, a penguin on bass, and a raccoon on keytar. Each episode also featured a visit with a guest storyteller or two (o...
Join musician Randall Goodgame, Doug the Slug, Sparky the Lightning Bug, Morty and Maggie Raccoon, and a slew of special guests inside the brand-new Slugs & Bugs Workshop. Imaginations are kindled, songs are sung, and hijinks are discovered, along with timeless truths about life and faith. The Slugs & Bugs Show is delightful, quirky, hand-crafted fun for kids of all ages....
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square join the Muppets® from Sesame Street® and guest vocalist Santino Fontana (the voice of Prince Hans in the popular Disney movie Frozen) in a celebration of the spirit of Christmas. Fontana makes his entrance on this beautifully produced show in a hot air balloon surrounded by large toy airplanes that drop from the ceiling as the Choir opens with the number "The Candyman/Pocketful of Miracles." Other standout moments are a duet with the Co...
A playful bird snatches Abby's magic wand during a hot-air balloon ride leaving Elmo, Abby and friends on a colorful adventure....
When Gonzo's breakfast cereal tells him that he's the descendant of aliens from another planet, his attempts at extraterrestrial communication get him kidnapped by a secret government agency, prompting the Muppets to spring into action. It's hard to believe Gonzo's story at first, but Kermit and friends soon find themselves on an epic journey into outer space filled with plenty of intergalactic misadventures....
There's a new Muppet on the block named Dani who suffers from Asthma. With the help of Luis, they both teach Elmo and Rosita about childhood Asthma through example and music....
Muppet Sing Alongs: Muppet Treasure Island is a 1996 video produced just before the release of the feature film Muppet Treasure Island. Kermit is joined by Polly Lobster, Clueless Morgan, Mad Monty and the other pirates from Muppet Treasure Island in this half hour of pirate songs....
A young woman named Dorothy Gale dreams of becoming a singer but is unable to pursue her dreams. After being swept up by a tornado with her pet prawn Toto, Dorothy embarks on a journey to meet the Wizard of Oz, the person who both Dorothy and the citizens of Oz believe can help make her dream come true....
The owner of a bank (Miss Bitterman) wants to own the Muppet Theatre so she can build a nightclub over it. After she tricks Pepe into giving her the only copy of the contract between her father and the Muppets, she changes it so the Muppets have very little time to pay a debt they owe. Meanwhile, the Muppets are trying to put on a Christmas show. After the Muppets are confronted by Bitterman, they make a lot of sacrifices to save up so they can keep the Theatre....
At 12 years old, Kermit the Frog and best friends Goggles and Croaker travel outside their homes in the swamps of the Deep South to do something extraordinary with their lives....
Muppet Sing-Alongs: It's Not Easy Being Green was released direct to video in 1994. A collection of Muppet songs is put together in this fun Karaoke video. Kermit hosts this video, where he presents a variety of songs, with appearances by Clifford, Billy Bunny, Otto, and a fish. Songs - "Kokomo", "Splish Splash", "Octopus' Garden", "Pass It On", "Movin' Right Along", "Over the Rainbow" medley, "Bein' Green", "Eight Little Notes", "Bar-B-Que", "Frog Talk", "In a Cabin In the Woods", "Heat Wav...
Charlie and Dan have been best friends and business partners for thirty years; their Manhattan public relations firm is on the verge of a huge business deal with a Japanese company. With two weeks to sew up the contract, Dan gets a surprise: a woman he married on a drunken impulse nearly nine years before (annulled the next day) shows up to tell him he's the father of her twins, now seven, and she'll be in jail for 14 days for a political protest. Dan volunteers to keep the tykes, although he's ...
There's a miracle on Sesame Street in this special holiday tale. Elmo, Abby Cadabby, and their new friend Stiller the Elf are going to count down to Christmas with the Christmas Counter-Downer. But all the counting boxes have gone missing and Christmas may never come again!...