Decisiones is a Telemundo-produced Spanish-language television anthology of steamy melodramas about passion and sex in the modern world. The 30-minute-long series features impassioned people thrust into amorous adventures and pushed to their breaking points. Unlike much Spanish-language dramatic fare, each show contains a complete story. According to Telemundo, these fervid tales are "inspired by real-life cases of everyday heroes". The network bills the show as a mix of drama and reality. Tele...
La Patrona is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by United States-based television network Telemundo Studios, Miami and Mexican Argos Comunicación. The telenovela is a remake of the Venezuelan telenovela La Dueña, written by José Ignacio Cabrujas. The name reflects a local term or slang in Mexico to address a person recognized as the main boss. However, the title is also a reflection of both the protagonist and the antagonist struggle to conquer power, authority and respect in a labor field...
Two women share a tragic and supernatural destiny that binds them together even after death. Monica Serrano, a world-renowned pianist with an impressive fortune, dies after the betrayal of her ambitious niece and the man she loves. But by way of a mysterious talisman, Monica's soul, which does not accept departing from this world, occupies the body of Adriana Aguilar, a modest waitress that dies at the hands of a dangerous gangster. Now, in Adriana's body, Monica's soul will do the impossible to...
Yaaranday is a Mexican telenovela by TV Azteca. It premiered in 1998. The protagonists are Aylin Mujica and Jorge Luis Pila....
Subete a mi Moto is a Mexican telenovela produced by TV Azteca in 2002. Created by Veronica Suarez and Eric Vonn. The protagonists include Sandra Echeverria, Vanessa Acosta, Mark Tacher, Alejandra Urdaín,and the antagonistic interpretation by Bárbara Mori, Jorge Luis Pila and Vanessa Villela....
Angela and Samantha were best friends when they were little, but a trap of fate separated them for many years. An unmissable story of loyalty, friendship, courage and love....
Acorralada is an American telenovela produced by Venevisión. Univision aired Acorralada from January 2007 to October 2007 on weekday afternoons at 2 pm central. It was rebroadcast in late 2011 through April 2012 on Univision's sister network, Telefutura. It was filmed in Miami, Florida, and lasted about 187 episodes. It is the second long-running telenovela that Venevisión Productions has produced without its former co-producer Fonovideo....
The night Elisa’s cousins-Santiago, Flor, and Eduardo, invited her to a nightclub and after a great deal of begging her parents allowed her go. When Danna and he sister-in-law Cecilia went to pick them up, all of them started showing up except for Elisa. As the hours passed, her parent grew more and more desperate and it was then when they decided to call the police and file a missing report....
La fan, is an upcoming American telenovela produced by Telemundo, is an original story written by Marcela Citterio and inspired by an original idea of history Angélica Vale. The story revolves around the life of a famous telenovelas actor and his faithful follower who is his number one fan....
Two powerful families are caught in the web of slander, money, sex, and murder that they both built....
Set in New York, the serial features the street-wise Ángel, who treats life as a game he plays to win. He tangles with the power-hungry Martín, who is engaged to a stunning, feisty lawyer named Manuela. She decides to defend Ángel, even though Martín wants to destroy him. Neither of the men know that Ángel is Martín's own son. Our hero learns that love is the only key to survival....
Rebeca is a 2003 Spanish-language telenovela produced by Venevisión International. The telenovela was written by Alberto Gómez and stars Mariana Seoane and Ricardo Álamo as the main protagonists with Gaby Espino, Pablo Martin and Elluz Peraza portraying the main antagonists....
Having been cryogenically frozen for 20 years, Aurora's heart torn between past and present : memories of an old love and chance of a new one....