Radio Free Roscoe was a Canadian television series filmed in Toronto, Ontario. The show was produced by Decode Entertainment, and it first aired on 1 August 2003 on Family, in Canada. It has also been dubbed in French in the province of Quebec and aired on VRAK.TV. The show was later aired on The N in the United States, where the show received funding for a second season. The series ended on 27 May 2005 because The N decided to stop funding the show, and Family, along with Decode Entertainment, ...
Chat show that looks at current affairs in Ireland...
Every Monday evening Alan and Bob sit at Kelly's bar embellishing on their secret unhappy lives, while flirting with the stunning bartender, Cheryl. The diluted dreamers struggle to save face when a high profile attorney enters their sanctuary, armed with an eye for detail and a dose of reality....
Following the destruction caused on Earth by nuclear weapons, Ryan Cawdor returns after twenty years to a ravaged part of Virginia he used to call home, where his brother and stepmother plotted to kill his father, the baron. With his companions in tow, he has come to take on the empire of tyranny that has been built all around this wasteland in his absence....
The family of cops is back, this time dealing with the murder of a priest tied in with the Russian Mafia, who proceed to try to draw the family off the case....
A seven-year-old chess prodigy refuses to harden himself in order to become a champion like the famous but unlikable Bobby Fischer....